Can someone red pill me on Mormonism?

I was recently visited by some missionaries. We talked for a couple hours about various topics. They seem nice, are very family oriented, and believe in respect above all else. Any insight would be much appreciated.

Attached: book-of-mormon.jpg (944x993, 120.88K)

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Fake and gay

They allow homosexuals to attend their churches, their birth rates have fallen below the replacement rate (mormon zoomers are too autistic to ask girls out on dates), and the president of the church wants everyone to get vaccinated.

They live like what poltards fantasize about. I don't see why pol is against them.

>The LDS Church using the asshole of the internet to sell their religion.

if you dont live in deseret theres probably not a good reason to join except politically

Every religion is fake and gay.

it is in fact the white paradise it is advertised to be

satanic cult. not nice people. demons and blasphemers

Mormons are demons in disguise who corrupted the bible. They are the epitomy of sin. Mormons belong in hell.

This, unironically. Also tons of inbreeding. They will be nice to your face but if you're not Mormon you're not going to get a decent price, if they even call you back

>created before the civil war in the calmest peak of the americam state

Pull down your pants and underwear, bend over, and I will fill you with all the mormanism you can handle.

Damn, you're right. Thought it was directly after.

the mormons were 100% right
there's inconclusive evidence a white civilized race of israelites (not related to jews who larp as them) here in america
turn off mobile at the bottom of page to see if a mobilecuck

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it was this group and they 100% had ships to travel the sea that isn't disputed in any form of history

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here's quotes from native americans
they say
>we came across a group of civilized white people with fair hair, fair skin, and blue eyes
>fortifications across america

Attached: 1641200623147.jpg (1824x3632, 2.03M)

and that's why the masonry was FREE
(((free))) masonry

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the biggest piece of proof is that the jews literally lie and larp as this group

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why is that book written in 17th century english even though it was "translated" in the 19th?

retarded heresy

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here are different "native" american tribes saying they came across white skinned blonde hair and blue eyed "marine men" who mined copper in michigan
and mentions their spread westward
also that same copper has been found in europe proving some trade routes were established

Attached: 1656026808511.jpg (1891x2643, 3.87M)

even more tribes talking about it

Attached: 1631943643321.png (964x812, 978.61K)

It was intended for a specific audience.

wants to sound like the King James Version

archeological evidence as well
they used what is called red ochre on their WHITE skin as sun protection
being called redskins lol

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