It is over. Niggers will overrun the whole world and end human civilization

It is over. Niggers will overrun the whole world and end human civilization

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i hope rebirth is not real because i do not fucking like my odds

Damn thats a lot of niggerians, street shitters and dog eaters.

you will be reborn as an intestinal parasite that feeds on shit

Half the births in Europe and USA/Canada will be coloreds too

I don't eat dogs and am religious.

Niggers turn white the longer they spend in the western hemisphere.

I want a fertile stone age Indian wife
It's the only way for my genes to survive.

Black is the future.

Sad thing is they are not even smart enough to think long term enough to plant and sow crops, to invest capital on seeds for a return is unthinkable to them. That is why never had any civilization and relied on hunting and gathering until colonialism and after WW2 when colonialism ended the infrastructure they built dilapidated within a generation. They are living off NWO life support for uneducated population useful for high birth rates for importing into first world countries to keep wages down.

You’ve got to be kidding me. For one, Africa was the first continent to experience the Iron Age. Most of Africa is Niger-Congo/Bantu who were farmers/agricultural.

I can name dozens of African civilisation but your small brain wouldn’t be able to pronounce them. Need more Blacks in Europe and America.

Black is beautiful.

humanity is doomed

>Africa was the first continent to experience the Iron Age

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That is a whole lot of browns and yellows


I told you about civilization bro.

>Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural, it is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.
R.E. Howard

>They do not build, invent, develop or improve. Their minds simply aren't capable of engineering meaningful societies.
And they're winning the evolutionary arms race, what does that tell us?

If you live virtuously you will be reborn into a virtuous (whiter) body. Races are not equal.

Yes, it was.

>is proud of blacks
>wants them to flee their home lands for white man lands
this is why no one likes niggers, zero logic, but nice bait also...

Top 5 countries are niggers or gooks. Fuck.

Millions and millions of good morning sirs and instagram/email scammers.