Criticize globohomo

>criticize globohomo
>instantly get called incel, loser, virgin and told to have sex
Why is this the default retort from commies, lefties, and faggots? Why do they so ardently weave sex and politics together?

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Sex is the only way they know how to develop self worth

edelgard is easily the cutest house leader

If you criticize gay behavior, you are gay. In their minds it makes sense.

Well, by that metric, if I criticize niggers, am I a nigger?

Because 90% of posters on pol are incels

yea leftoids are weird. I've never seen people more excited about prison rape than them.
>Something happens
>Leftoids: That bigot needs to go to prison and get anally raped!

I'd be willing to bet my entire savings that there are more people who've had sex on Any Forums than there are on reddit and bunkerchan combined.

>Why do leftists project?

Sodomy isn't sex

Because they have 0 other metric for worth.

Kek, just get sexier and sexier while still being edgy. Drives them crazy when youre better looking or turn them on and still spout chud opinions.

because logical fallacies are extremely popular.

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It's Freudian, religion has been replaced by science. Freud dominates postmodernism psychology. Freud taught we were all monkeys interested in sex. The only reason people would care about politics is to scheme about getting laid because if they could get laid they'd be too content to care about politics and just continue getting laid.
It's dehumanising but then he was one of them and we know normies like to follow them and trust the science.

They have no arguments so they try to hurt your feelings. Don't let it work, remember you are winning the debate when they call you names.

NuFE is cringe and you are cringe never post this again

Is it true though? Maybe they just have a good incel radar.

More often than not, they are the incels.

They’re just making fun of you user it’s not that deep

Globohome specifically uses sex to control people. To reject them means you must not be getting sex "their way." It's an easy cheap shot.

I have kids

Who cares? These are the same people that will call Hunter Biden an "absolute legend." Let them build their houses on sand.

because they're stupid hylics. Fuck those guys don't worry about them fren.

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Unless your gay or something

Because you cannot debate with someone who immediately uses that tactic. I just to debate with someone in good faith.

Why do Democrats and their stooges in the fake media push the tranny agenda and faggotry? Why do the Democrats and their stooges advocate for pedophiles?

Yup, and she did nothing wrong.

Don't debate people online. It doesn't work. Have a discussion with them in person, or debate them in front of a crowd.

In a debate, your goal isn't to win them over, and online, there's no moderator to keep the audience from gish galloping you.

I hate edelgard.


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Keep the Edeltard discussions on Any Forums and /feg/, please

Have you tried not being an incel loser?

in all seriousness though, you cant call them "faggots" and wonder why they call you "incel"
its the exact same thing

>Why is this the default retort from commies, lefties, and faggots?
>Why is "faggot" the default retort from incels, rightoids, and Nazis?

you're both just permanently high-schoolers like over half the world

Are you white?

Clearly it works because you virgins won't start complaining about jt

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