LMAO! the absolute STATE of zoomer women

>25yr old thot tries to be useful
>fails badly on her first try
>decides to give up forever
>"listen, we can't all be great" MSM sympathetic article

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What the fuck is that show even, it's all just taking drugs at school and looking glamorous

Is 25yo zoomer?

Maybe it's code for spirit cooking.

It's based on an anime about shitting in your childhood friend's mouth.

Y'all are bitching about a "news article" written about a fucking Instagram post?

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>literally too stupid to eat

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oldest zoomers 22ish, technically yes because not far back and grew up into the same laughable useless joke of an adult raised and completely influenced by electronic screens

When the fuck did everyone get together and decide this chick was hot shit? Hollywood has been pushing this bitch on us since Spiderman. Any of you fags sign off on this shit?

You are a zoomer if you can't remember anything before 9/11.

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she can still make cold sammiches

Wait, so she ugly and retarded ?


My finger got crushed while racking scrap pipe on a gooseneck years ago. Too bad for me nobody gave a fuck. I should have just never worked again. What an absolute cunt

zoomers were a mistake

brutally honest caricature user

they have a show based on something I did to your mom? Nice. I should get royalties, muhfugga. Ro-yal-ties.

if zoomers think basic cooking skills is equal to "greatness" they need to kill themselves immediately in the most painful way possible.
like holy shit even an actual real life retard can make a grilled cheese or steak and potatoes. the kikes have won if the next generation is utterly reliant on food services instead of cooking.

>even useless in the kitchen
the state of zoomers

Who is this bitch? Where is she from? I've seen the name zendaya about 15 times now and I've never seen a picture or a credit or anything...what kind of PR campaign is this?

>muh zoomers
>more kike generational d&c faggotry
All of my zoomer nieces can cook on a stove, and all of my nephews can cook on a grill.
Maybe the problem is just that nobody ever bothered teaching zen-whatever how to cook.

I lost eyesight in one eye and needed skin grafts on my foot in a professional kitchen man up pussy

Kek was waiting for this. I'm not a great cook by any means but at least I can cook a mean breakfast. We all get booboos when we cut shit. It's called practice. What a candy ass mongrel cunt.

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While learning how to forge steel I got my left arm covered in flames because I used turpentine to light the charcoals. I kept trying to use turpentine to light that charcoal until I manage to keep thst fire going. Never used turpentine as fire starter since. It was all I had on that moment and those charcoals were not perfectly dry.

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My trad wife is a stay at home mom. She spends at least 4+ hours every day in the kitchen cooking or preparing different meals. I feel sorry for the beta males who eat microwaved dinners along with their children every day.

If you let her out more than once a week she will cheat on you. It's inevitable. It's just too easy for women to cheat nowadays.

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