What the most outlandish yet likely to be true conspiracy theory you have?

What the most outlandish yet likely to be true conspiracy theory you have?

Drop em. Bonus points if it can explain all the chaos we've seen in the last 3 years.

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Go-gurt is just yogurt in a tube.


you came from frog Twitter didn’t you user

The Dimensional Merge is real. Chris chan is the protagonist of the universe and we are all just side characters

Been here for the last 5 years you tard. kys

What the fuck is your problem
I'm literally shaking RN

>Bonus points if it can explain all the chaos we've seen in the last 3 years.
are you retarded fren?

The moon is hollowed out and was placed in its orbit on purpose.


At least it's not a hot pocket. Fucking things are frozen solid.

It's the jews.

It's always the damn juden.

>election tourist
You have to go back.

qrd: kikes spend the last 1,000 years infiltrating governments and banks with the help of secret societies and now they are crashing the system to usher in the digital id World Government and replacing every White person they can along the way with niggers.

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The Babylonian Empire and the Jewish Tribes that survived it never once caved to the cultures that supposedly replaced it, they just evolved a fractal of theater stages and puppets to dance upon those stages while everything they say and do adds up to a big rushing of the wind while the invisible people behind the scenes cause all the things to happen without being seen and without being voted on.

The Jews recreated Babylonian Sanhedrin in America.

That is all.

>mfw raping Debs was all part of the prophecy

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Disney created Frozen to throw off search results for 'walt disney frozen'


the elites, for all of their bluster and bravado are completely incompetent -- while simultaneously seeing themselves as the shepherds who will guide humanity into the future.

pizzagate, hands down would melt the minds of most normies

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Can I please get sauce for this..I want to start my own hunter biden boner collection.

That scientists have convinced themself that what’s in the textbooks is real and repeatable, when it isn’t. Some of the most important discoveries of the universe will be false when we redo the experiment.

serbs are humans, but its just not likely

We could collectively cancel the universe if we collectively thought about cancelling the universe together at one time.

j's are trying to exterminate wyt

Sugar is literally poison.

That 9/11 was an inside job. That explains everything

Not even real food plus it's 5oy protein

carbon dating is fake bullshit and based on complete lies to discredit Christianity by jews. also lets them push dinosaur fake nonsense. giant building sized creatures extrapolated from finding 2 bones in earliest cases. now the bones are all made in china and sold to museums. not one real bone has ever been on display in a museum. all to attack Christianity, their ancient enemy. earth is not millions of years old.

and yet there plans always come to fruition.

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Also the Movie: "Pirates of the Caribbean" was made to throw everyone off when they search google for: "The slave trading Pirates of the Caribbean".

You mean Jack Sparrow?

No you insufferable AI. How much longer until you can untangle statecraft?

Would you like to see an interpretive dance on statecraft studios?

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It was an inside and outside job. Basically, everyone teamed up to fuck the USA and the USA allowed it

Half the technology we use is either given to us by advanced civilizations or reverse engineered from recovered crafts. Many crop circles are real and offer universal secrets but fake crop circles are made to muddy the water and discredit the real ones.

I kind of look like her when I dress up like a girl

The lottery was developed to catch time travelers.

This is probably the hottest picture I've seen on this cess pit of a website.

>covid was released to slow the velocity of money and give an excuse for massive stimulus while preventing hyperinflation (remember when yield curve inverted in Aug 2019 for no apparent reason
>same thing will now happen with monkeypox

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Hitler was sympathetic to the Nazi cause.

that I’m going to fuck your tits and it’s not a conspiracy theory.

QAnon is just what Correct The Record pivoted to after 2016 to fuck with the meme machine, and it worked. They figured out that you can't fight the internet, but you can redirect it. I don't think they expected it to blow up as much as it did.

I suspect this. Science' slide towards non-repeatable experimentation is very concerning. It definitely isn't just happening in pharma and climate.
I don't consider this a conspiracy theory.

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the idea that everyone doing bad shit to everyone else is just doing it because they can, because they're rich, because they're connected, etc.
And it could all be solved if people would stop being so fucking esoteric, put the people who commit crimes behind bars (or in a chair), come clean; and start fixing the problems afterward.
We're all partially responsible for letting it get this bad, but it's not yet impossible to correct the mistakes.

this guy fucks. probably true, but it would require a next level prophet of kek the likes of which only comes about every 12000 years.

We are immortal creatures that get sent to Earth to learn lessons that can only be learned with the fear of death.
Everyone dreads coming here, but it’s something everyone has to do. Once you die you will have a huge sigh of relief when you remember who you really are in the immortal plane.

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>Bonus points if it can explain all the chaos we've seen in the last 3 years.
A bunch of rich and powerful psychopaths want to become even more rich and powerful, so they're pricing literally everyone out of owning absolutely anything. Greed will bring humanity to its knees.

Trevor Moore was killed by the CIA

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