This is the new Reddit

and I feel it will be the forced norm on every site, including Any Forums.
-Expect to see more censored words like f*ck and childish words replacing slurs.
-No statistics like "30% more people that took the vaccine died compared to unvaccinated".
-Ultimate black people protection, you can't compare them to animals.
-No more regional slangs such as "oy vey" or "dindu nuffin".
-Posting the letter N
-intentionaly misgendering a trans person, calling them mental ill, calling them names such as troon or faggot, calling a trans person by their old name, calling them pedos or groomers
-Calling people retarded.

Expect this to be the new norm and expect more nasty things to be normalised in the future such as pedophilia .
This is phase 1 of a multiple phase globohomo operation.

Attached: ex6p4aaeaib91.png (1295x1433, 287.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This cycle of censorship and Streisand effect has been happening for years now

You have to go back.

Attached: 1652893553930.png (2402x1300, 151.67K)

Go back to the shadow and never come back. We had this exact same thread yesterday.

Weren't all of these things banned before? I feel like this is one tiny sub that no one knew about that still had normal moderators.


reddit is a bot farm. it literally started out of death of digg and they admit the entire front page was bots designed to give users the perception that it was an active and vibrant community. do you think they stopped when ad money and propaganda bucks came into play? do you think formual 1 is on the front page every week because its fucking popular? that people care more about formula fucking 1 than they do soccer or nfl or nba, who only get frontpage for like playoff finals and shit like that? do you think murderedbyaoc, a sub with no activity whatsoever and avg 10-20 upvotes and no comments on all posts magically gets to front page with 40k+ votes on one off posts organically? r/politics was literally sold for millions during hillary run. they had to destroy thedonald because it was 'breaking' their system and bots couldnt keep up with the constant frontpage donald posts. it was breaking propaganda and paid advertising and they couldnt stop it. the fucking admin edited people's posts at one point and was caught with admin powers that arent supposed to exist.

like pol and twitter and every other social media site, reddit is virtually all bots for anything of note. they look real. they post memes sometimes. they post questions and other shit. but they are bots. literal bots that just get spun up to consensus crack or slide threads and discussions and they respond to one another and drive topics into the ground.

Thanks for the Reddit news you giant fucking faggot NIGGER


They're actually trying to ban the letter n bahahahahahahaha

>the new reddit
Literally the entire internet has been like this since forever you dumb fuck. It's just updated with common buzzwords. Is the average age on Any Forums fucking 14 or something?

I always suspected it was rigged, but I don't care about the front page too much to a point I'll observe patterns and analyse every user comment.

That's without counting posts that get shadowbanned.

Yep. No way to tell whose botting who at this point

>is the average age on Any Forums 14?
At this time of year, yes

Someone should make a post on r/politics with literally everything on the list

China also dumped 300 million into it.

Attached: reddit china.jpg (1280x960, 274.96K)

I stopped using reddit in 2009
stopped using ALL social media besides the chans in 2011

There's no reason to suspect. Reddit has had open botting in the comment section since it's inception, so it's no large leap to assume that some of the users that don't declare themselves as bots could very likely still be bots. Also, the upvote system is retardedly easy to inflate with botting.

>and I feel
This is the nu4chan

and I believe it will be the forced norm on every chan.

kek it's real. the absolute fuckin state of plebbit

Just call niggers netflix.

they got a nice big N logo too.

netflix going to netflix.

joggers keep jogging

>0 updoots
Maybe some Redditards have some hope

Did something happened today? I saw the same sticky on the stupidpol sub too