Why is having no sex/girlfriend/being a virgin being used as an insult?

Why is having no sex/girlfriend/being a virgin being used as an insult?
Maybe not as an insult sometimes, but I feel people consider people that don't have sex as pathetic.
Why is this a thing?

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>Why is this a thing?
It's called projection as that's the only thing they know how to determine their own worth

If you dont have gf, could mean youre not a wothy person, but its not always the case sir

It's just a fancy way of saying
>You do not conform to the group, you fail at socialising.

Before they would have called you a heretic, socialist, bourgeois, and so on.
But because we are in times of decay, the only common denominator most people share is that they enjoy hedonism.

Because sex is related to procreation and people who don't procreate are useless. Of course by procreation I mean making a family not being a degenerate fuck.

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Why wouldn't it be a thing? Everybody alive today came from a long line of people who valued fucking.

This always seemed to me like coping to be honest.
Things the insulted says to himself in order to feel better.
Hoping to be wrong tho, I can't see how can a tall blonde guy be projecting. I don't even think the thought passes through his head.

Essentially OP, people live as slaves to genes. Their happiness or well being doesn't matter, since they were programmed from birth to serve their genes. Peoples genes want to survive, therefore people will want to emphasise how you don't procreate in order to demonstrate social proof that you're undesirable and thus by comparison they ARE desirable. In this way, the odds of genetic survival increase.

You can choose to be.a slave to your genes. You can choose to try and fuck and have kids just so you get less grief from others. Or you can go your own way. However by no means is it surprising that everybody is so concerned with if everybody else is fucking.

>why is being seen as undesirable by the opposite sex a bad thing guise?

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wtf how are you incel in spain

Because its something so fundamental to ones life an nature that it's weird if someone doesn't feel the impulse.

You need to get down of your horse and acknowledge your needs and make you be comfortable with needing others.

Because its the thing we all want and not getting it is often the reason we're pushed into the cynical fringe places we're now at. Normies know this and point it out as pathetic even though they all obsess over it as well.

It's instinctive.
When a person becomes part of a clique, you'll notice that people immediately start playing matchmaker to find someone with whom to pair them up. As an evolutionary strategy, it makes sense.

Because sex is overrated, so if someone enjoys life without sex, some people will mock about it.

>people who don't procreate are useless
That's a fucking retarded statement and you should kys.

Lol. Virgin.

1. women used to act and behave like women, so most men ended up getting married at some point.
2. sex is the only unit of value a woman understands so they think it's an insult.

Even rich and good-looking people can have insecurities.

If people lob an insult at you, it's only because they think they can get a reaction out of you. I've been a virgin all my life and never had anyone use the term to insult me because I don't come across as someone who would care, and in fact I don't.

>He hated it when you called him a moron. All morons hate it when you call them a moron. -- Holden Caufield

It's just the result of a feminine society, if women hate you, they will deny their holes and get their minions to mock you. Women are a hivemind, if you are not chosen by them, you may as we be dead in this cucked society.

>Why is having no sex/girlfriend/being a virgin being used as an insult?
Because it shows that nobody evaluated you as worthy of having sex with.

Women can only use social pressure against others to try to get them to do what they want since the have no individua agency. Most men are becoming similar to this. Likely due to social media as when you are arguing with someone there or trying to influence how they behave, appeal to social status and the crowd is the only power most people have on there. Portray your opposition as low status in the eyes of others since on your own you are powerless as a woman or effeminate man.