I’m staying at an airbnb

And there’s a nigger staying in another room here with full face tats. How does he afford this shit? I make good money and am still incurring huge cost here.

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Whatever you do DO NOT relax!

>How does he afford this shit?
Stealing and drug money

I know, but it’s tough. He’s with at least one other person and they’re nocturnal. They cook a bunch of random shit then don’t clean any of it up. How do they own a viable credit card?

call the police on the last day your there saying u saw him dealing drugs
they will find drugs in there 100%

Some fat white bitch is probably paying

Sounds more like an airb&e

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Not a bad idea. It wreaks of shitty weed so it’s a sure thing.

underrated post
niggers should be put in prison from birth
fat sugar mamas are mine for the white man

He doesn't have to pay taxes, for groceries, rent, childcare, medical care, etc. You do. Reparations have been happening this whole time.

He learned to code you filthy mutt

It’s a woman who is probably fat, but it’s a big city. All the White coalburners have been killed by their bfs already

Holy shit my fucking sides

Is there a hotline to call when you aren’t sure what is happening, but it looks suspicious?
Otherwise if the nigger doesn’t have drugs the police will think it was a prank call.
For example many of my neighbors are extremely suspicious (discreet freemason logos on their gates and all that) but I don’t have any specific complaint for them.

Carlos you glorious bastard

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>calling the cops on the cops
shut up monkey

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What’s incurring a huge cost to you? If a nigger can afford what your paying you need to reevaluate your life and stop being so fucking poor you nigger adjacent testicle.



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I mean some auditing entity or whatever, your cousins ignore the complaint but it’s still filed there in the worst case.
One of you reacted very strangely when I said I was going to the police station (maybe it was a bluff).

Does this airbnb happen to be located in Boca Raton?

He's better at life than you are, wagecuck

It’s like 90 a day, for a weeks stay that’s $600+. Sorry I’m not an absolute nigger with my finances.

you aren’t going to effect masons no matter what you do, even if you planted a kilo of cocaine on their property and called the media still nothing would happen
you know what the mafia is right?

Nokturnal is some faggot rapper

At least other people would know you are mentally ill and gay.

Afford what? AirBNBs are the cheap option for poorfags who can't get a good hotel. Hoodlums love renting them for a party where they trash the place and maybe shoot a person or two before moving on.

he's right you should try to be friends with them. it could be good to have them as neighbors

Yeah, the police, idiot.


Nah, they (and you) are absurd intolerable for many reasons.
