Wear. Your. Mask

Wear. Your. Mask.

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fuck your cuck mask

NYC? I can't make out the seal on the wallpaper.

I mean, fuck the covid part, wear a mask on the train because it's fucking gross and smells like other people's sweat and assholes.

you cant even buy them as easily anymore here
enjoy your cuck muzzle


Prove to me the mask does literally anything you cock sucking faggot nigger

ain't taking the jab
won't wear a mask
you won't do shit, jabbie

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Looks like the Excelsior seal, but also can not tell

Yeah, it's been over 2 years, we're done with masks and have been for a while.

Just stand one on damn leg when your on the train. And flap your arms like a chicken.
Is it really that hard?

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>Angry placards
You won't do shit lol

Do you remember two weeks to stop the spread
I remember two weeks to stop the spread
This has been the longest two weeks in recorded history

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Never vaxxed, never masked, never sick, not even once. Almost got into a couple fights, but maskers are commie softbois, so no luck. They are SEETHING that we are still fine.

Glue this over it

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omg language of an american
commensurate with their cultural sophistication

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I wonder what city this is in and laugh can't believe no one scribbled over it


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how about NPC.jpg for that round-faced cuck

die like the nigger cattle genetic trash you are

Anyone that has worked construction know the masks everyone are wearing don't do fuck all but somewhat block large dust. Your nose will still be full of dust at the end of the day.

>Wear. Your. Mask.

I had Covid once. I got a paid week off from work and I celebrated by going on a vacation and to the casino.

Why is it when they tell you to do something, they always say it in a demeaning way and curse out land (damn, eff)? It like this every time. Why?

Nose and lungs

TONGUE *clap* MY *clap* ANUS *clap*

Eat. A. Dick.


Oh, and i didn't wear a mask. Get fucked nigger.

No. Now what?