The agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind

the agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind

Attached: skulls.jpg (1142x860, 84.14K)

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aaaand we're not through yet

Then we should get the ancient DNA and impregnate modern women with it to see what happens. See if they are stronger or smarter, etc. Then we compare notes.

Attached: FWG37OKUUAENFtr.jpg (832x779, 70.01K)

>not having to live like modern day niggers has been a disaster for humankind


gigachad vs soiboi

really the most based thread going right now. Modern society is fucking weak

comparing 2 basically different species which lived hundreds of thousands of years apart & being surprised they look different

>create civilisation

you are a nigger.

This has been debunked, prehistoric humans were vegan and homosexuality was common

Nope, both phenotypes are still there is the White population

can any of the hunter gatherers bench at least over 2 plates and deadlift at least 4 plates?
>bbbut they didnt have barbells back then!!

man our skulls looked like fucking terminator and now we look like this?

No it wasnt. They were omnivores at best, but most likely didnt know which plants were safe to eat and thus primarily ate meat. Also they needed more protein because they were more physically active.

lmao look at your country now and tell me that it’s benefitted from globalism

>This has been debunked, prehistoric humans were vegan and homosexuality was common
yep, and thankfully the prehistorics were mostly exterminated from europe, they mostly remain in the north, which is why they're all gay and feminist, swedenyes and all that

Is that why communists hate food?

>man our skulls looked like fucking terminator and now we look like this?
no it's a random 100 year old plus image taken from a paper magazine then made into a facebook meme, shared so much in boomer facebook groups it stacked JPG compression artefacts until it became a blurry mess, which is where Op found it, crawled it''s way over from facebook, and made a thread here

Cro Magnon is (was) the same species as Homo Sapiens, we’re just the smaller softer domesticated version.

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That's a lot of cope from someone without a functionning jaw and an absent chin kek

>Was the Cro-Magnon the Most Intelligent Modern Human?
Spoiler: Yes

>That's a lot of cope from someone without a functionning jaw and an absent chin kek

Attached: hez-1625039.jpg (720x785, 71.47K)

>When comparing the current IQ maps of Europe and the Near/Middle East with the maps showing the proportion of DNA inherited from Neolithic farmers, we notice that IQ is increasingly lower as Neolithic genetic inheritance is greater.
LMFAO snowniggers can't stop getting btfo