Endangered Animal Conservation

Should we do more as a society to help endangered animals and destroyed ecosystems? I like Polar Bears and White Rhinos and it would be a damn shame if future generations couldn't be able to witness these awesome animals in the wild.

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Elephants are good example of a species that needs help due to poaching and whatnot

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Elephants are neat

No. WE shouldn’t do anything. If you want to YOU can do something. WE need to do something is how the jews plan to enslave you.

Aside from protecting borders against invaders and mediating disputes, conservatorship is the only other legitimate function of a government due to the commons problem.

If you are NatSoc, neo-feudalist, or just plain conservative, you should put the life of animals like Dolphins and Orcas as a priority, and well above that of jews or niggers.


>b-b-but muh feelings
>b-b-but biodiversity
>b-b-but I associate myself with an animal

No. Humanity must grow, expand, evolve. This is Evolution. This is our destiny.

Leave several humongous biodome-sanctuaries, and use up all the other territories to build a planetary city.

Your solution to invasion problem is "well those that get invaded and exterminated deserve it", and your solution to the commons problem is "well those that lose their resources and ruin their environment deserve it". Which basically amounts to
>ancapistan is designed to fail
Planned obsolescence.

How the fuck do I take care of a 500lb Tiger?

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>if you are a retard, you should put the life of useless life forms above that of other retards like you

there needs to be weapon systems for elephants to defend themselves. some sort of trunk mounted cannon should do the trick. put an end to the senseless slaughter with retaliatory strike capability.

so you're saying dolphins are smarter than niggers? I can believe that.

I named you among the useless life forms in my post.
> put the life of animals like Dolphins and Orcas as a priority, and well above that of jews or niggers.

Belly rubs

If dolphins used their entire brain, they'd be smarter than humans, it's about 15% more connections.
However dolphins actually have split personality. One personality is awake during the day, and uses half the brain. The other is awake during the night, and uses the other half. This is so they don't drown.

So in reality they have around 1/2 of our brain capacity, awake at any given time.

humans shouldn't be hunting down wildlife to cut off horns and testicles it but if a species is unable to survive on its own it should be left to die
some people are rather too obsessed with keeping the world the way they found it when that wasn't reality even before humans evolved, countless species have been lost to environmental changes and countless more will be in the future
it's not a big deal unless you're going out of your way to make it worse just so some chink can get his penis pills

Get together with the other faggots that want to take care of it and leave everyone else alone you totalitarian freak.

Yea, they do deserve it, what makes you think you’re smarter than trial and error? All you can possibly do is make a bigger fuck up.

So by your logic if the entire planet was ancapistan, and then we all ruined our environment and died - or got invaded by space aliens and died - for anarchocapitalism, the fact we were "Dead"...
>means that it works

You will never be a real Political Party

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Guess I'm building a swimming pool for my dolphin wife

Poaching always to animals under government guardianship. Corrupt politicians are not who we should be letting take care of endangered species.

Basically. It takes faith, same faith you have in fact that you can manage people better than people manage themselves. Monoplanetary thinking is always doomed, if it turns out you actually can solve the endless laundry list of problems in conserving the earth it would all be for naught since we are doomed to an ELE if we stay on earth no matter what. I can’t really say more without getting too esoteric but I would be pretty fine with losing to aliens actually if they were really better than us and not luddites like the jews because I’m a nerd like that. Not like I would give up without a fight though.

Yes well you will never make sense

Kek Down Bad for Dolphin Pussy

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>mfw i have a photo of my great-great-grandfather feeding a dodo bird
Nah, fuck'em. All the cool animals are already extinct.

get bombed namefag

post pics or it not real

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