She's right you know

She's right you know

Attached: oncl19un2jb91.jpg (750x1050, 81.76K)

Can I put my dick in your mouth?

>grow up

ok, die then. also go back

She's an ugly goblin dude.

The most intelligent woman

Can't you people at least post verified accounts or something? This is beyond "literally who?". Who is this person? Why do you care what stupid shit they say?

I was talking to OP

I give zero fucks what a clump of cells thinks about the economy.

>Please take care of me! Please! I can't do literally anything by myself

Whoah we just made it up? The system that facilitates buying and felling with your needing to just trade goods, you are free to swap a goat for some bricks if someone needs a goat , but money is more useful

Fuck spelling on these shit fucking phones I’m drunk

I am more concerned about the 266k likes. Are there really that many retards in this world? The War can't come fast enough. Just let me be blown to pieces already.

>If I use words like bruh, on god, fuck outa here, sus, etc. then my retarded ideas will sound cool and legitimate
I fucking hate zoomers so much

> She's right you know " thread #2737738338383

Worthless fuckin jannies. Do your fucking jobs and clean up this garbage.

She is right. Most of it is made up. The economy is not made up. It is natural and should follow simple indicators like supply and demand. The issue is that we made up shit loads of controls to manipulate our economy to push the idea of infinite growth. We made up money, and literally make money out of nowhere. We use quantitative easing to prop up corporations that would fail otherwise. Our economy is inorganic. I think that is what she is saying in sub 100 iq talk.

Yea right go grow your own food stupid bitch


God women are so fucking retarded.

she is just aping wat better looking gorl said on tik-tok or something like this some months ago, the mark of the worst of women. Genuine stupid woman content is far moar enjoyable, innocent, naive.

> if you're homeless...JUST buy a house
Food edition

The economy was developed by farmers to make sure we always have food.

Without farmers there would be no economy.