Brit/pol/ - Hey Down Hey Down Edition

Start building yourself a homestead and venerate our old gods

Heatwave incoming

They hate the piety of nature

Grey squirrels to be chemically modified

>Thread theme

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Josh is a waste of life

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Yep, it’s cringe

inb4 discord tranny circlejerk slurpfest

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Anyone knows where /druidpol/ bunker is?

Down at the bottom of the garden
Among the birds and the bees

Right next to the teddybears picnic.


Are the two at the bottom related to one another?

Anyone had the extra bennies payment yet?


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Hey britpol...

I dunno, is being a nonce genetic?

Sick of pretending I love this country, I fucking hate it, it's filled with fat retarded boomers and ugly fucking niggers. I'm leaving, call it cowardice if you like but I just can't stand looking at fat women anymore

tim from ruislip had sex with a cow and it wasn't even that it was the fact that he snuggled it all night long afterwards and was cooing at it
it was offensive

>Hey britpol...

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suck it ecotards

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You'll stay and you'll like it

England can no longer be called a white country, its three major population centres are already majority non white, there are more than 70 other towns and boroughs that are majority non white and a further 120+ that are expected to become non white majority during the next decade.

But here's the kicker, boomers are dropping like flies while non whites are breeding like rabbits, with the average age of the ethnic English currently sitting at 47 and rising and the average age of non whites currently sitting at 22 and falling, the English will flip from majority to minority status almost overnight.

And astonishingly it was done by choice, generations voting for their own progeny to be usurped, enslaved, raped, displaced, bullied and ultimately genocided on their ancestral land by barely human invaders, literal third world savages who would be themselves incapable of conceiving of such an ingenious plan, let alone executing it. It's no wonder they are all so happy to be here, accidental conquerors one and all, gifted the most beautiful island on the planet by a broken race that lost the will and the strength needed to keep it.

Hey Stella.

You're a fat cunt and you don't deserve to live in the conditions you do.

>£300 on a giant fan for his overheated minge
fucking state of it

the ladies love it

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For me it's the Battle of Flodden

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Reminder that you’re cringe? Don’t need one

I don't see the point in buying air con when it's only hot for between early June and late August.

stop seething
start improving


That's going in Brit/pol/ lore, I'm making a board game, if you roll a d6 and it's 3 or under you "do" eddie by calling him a fat nonce, if you roll 4 or above he "does" you by calling you a spastic newfag, eddie will be the first boss you encounter I reckon

Proper choon this

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too busy watching to read your nonsense lad

t. seethmeister

Fucks sake lad, this and a few crates of beer is all you need to see you through the British summer.

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Sounds fukkin top tha lah

Cheers lad. Watching now.

fuck off ginge

£300 lol I just opened a window cost me nothing

He's bad for that like. 3rd time this week.

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Fucking spackers