Why is the internet seething over NASA pics can someone give me a quick rundown?

Why is the internet seething over NASA pics can someone give me a quick rundown?

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the only people bitching are commie faggots that wanted to spend the money on free shit for other commie faggots and people who are so retarded that they think the earth is flat and space isn’t real.

It's all Photoshop, aliens are fake, demons are real, they're gonna use "aliens" to explain away the rapture. Christ is King

Is this image reallly a nebula?

They spent like $100b on James Webb telescope and the image quality is only marginally better than Hubble, and even some land based ones.

For $100b that thing should have been able to image a fucking grain of rice on pluto so we could take a good look at relevant objects in our solar system.

The james webb telescope was a waste of time and money.
The images suck.
It already is under remote repair from mirror collision, and wasted reserve fuel turning back into place.

Also why do they only release images and no video?

gentlemen, we are reaching levels of christcuckery that shouldn't even be possible.

Webm cameras need oxygen

oh, it’s possible. these are the faggots that handle snakes, drink strychnine, and think dinosaur bones wear put here to test our faith.

Very few people are seething, majority of plebs endlessly suck NASA off while shouting ohmyscience. Burgers spent 10 billion tax dollars to get some shooped .jpgs.



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the images are always false colored dumbass. the thing sees in infrared. you adjust down the wavelengths so you can see the shit.

Why else would God put dinosaur bones here. And it's "were"

go shit on your balls you wannabe hal lindsey dipshit.

My gripe with NASA is that they're boring today. Back in the day they did all sorts of retarded shit, like "going" to the moon to play golf and ride around in dune buggies. That was fun. Now they just take billions of monies and give you a crappy jpg back. Fuck off with the low effort, put some love into what you produce. I want to see people playing hopskotch on Mars and shit like that.

you’re bitching about a typo? wel fck me runing. im s0 sry.

>muh 10 billion for niggers and refugees
>thunk about the africans

I'll make you one for only $1b.

The James Webb telescope doesn't exist. It's a slush fund to pigeon hole money used for hidden moon bases. All imagery you see released is fake, created by NASA graphic artists with the help of some Astrophysicists. The World will never know, and wont' care as long as they get a few new monthly images.

Shit eating retards are seething because "Space isn't Real"

That's great faggot. Assuming those pics are real it still doesn't matter, you have slightly prettier versions of older .jpgs taken by Hubble and it cost 10bil. Money well spent, I heckin love sciencerino.

Atheist Redditors desperately need there to be some form of alien life in order to have some supreme authority (that is not Christ) to bow down to.

i'm clearly not a European and i don't worship clay statues and incense, what's your point?

>assuming those pics are real

exactley picrel

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Because retards think 10B over the course of decades is "a lot of money", when it is in fact absolute peanuts. They think tjis because, being the retards they are, are conflating individual financials with that of nations/companies etc.. these are the same retards that fail to understand that being a millionaire does not per definition mean you have a million yuropbucks in a matress to share out among the people right this minute.

It's not necessarily a lot of money, but it's a lot of money for a boring jpg that may or may not have been made by a pajeet on fiverr.

It's just basement dwelling incels of Any Forums who are seething because any news that are objectively good and nice, they must hate just to he contrarian.

>only marginally better than Hubble
Neck yourself.

You are just as bad, if not worse, if you're muslim, user.

Because money for space projects need to be wasted on nigger gibs and programs some more.

Attached: FXYBd7WVEAAtO5R.jpg (2730x4096, 906.17K)

>get funding slashed
>cant do fun things anymore
The JWST is a child's pocketmoney change compared to their golden age budget (which was for all intents and purposes limitless).

Sure. But that just stands to reason. NASA produced way more entertaining bullshit in the past. Have you even seen those golf games on the "moon"? That shit is hilarious. Why should they get the same neetbux for producing boring as shit jpgs no one really cares about?

Here's a pic I took with my own high-tech telescope. Yeah it looks like I just made it in Paint but actually it was originally invisible x-ray images of deep space and then I just slightly edited it over. I had to science the shit out of it, that will be 10 billion dollars please.
"Scientists" lied endlessly over the last 2 years about a fake virus and continue to lie, and yet all you retards put blind faith in some .jpgs they took. Skepticism and critical thinking are fine unless someone applies it to one of your sacred cows. Take your memeflag off and go dilate, tranny.

Attached: not made in paint.png (736x1264, 17.6K)

Do you have a paypal? Can I send you some billions or something, for science?

They use photoshop to help people visualize the data. The actual footage might just be a tiny dot on a black screen filled with other tiny dots. Not quite as appealing to the masses.

We've collectively wasted more in Africa, despite it, it is now worse off than it was before oxfam and its plethora of spinoffs. Give me a 10B jpg over that any day of the week.

It’s because minus the weird religious faggotry this is correct. None of these cameras capture color they take different wave lengths in black and wight and then an intern paints it all pretty.

Sounds schizo but you're not entirely wrong

We could have given that money to Ukraine instead

Picture doesn't depicting niggers and trans so they aren't feeling represented.

fpbp, NASA triggers all of the right retards

A long time ago, in millions of galaxies a long way away, light was emitted. Over hundreds of millions of years it has traveled to a point where this telescope can pick shitty readings of its remnants.
NASA converts a bunch of these readings of light that exist out of our visible spectrum into “pictures,” then people pretend that’s what shit looks like now.