Its Over Edition - Italian Political Crisis General

Its over, Draghi lost part of his coalition, all the bets are off, will he resign or will he try governing alone with PD and Lega?

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Update, He will resign this evening.

so how much do pizzas cost in shitaly

too much

what was mussolini's favorite pizza?

That was fast. What are the consequences of this move? If a globalist insider like draghi is quitting I'm willing to bet things behind the scenes are more fucked than they're letting on.

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>Update, He will resign this evening.
sauce pls

fuck these italians they gave us the ashkenazis, without them breeding all these hooknoses we wouldnt all be slaves.

Putler sends his regards


Why is this faggot so smug? He looks like he chews his food for a few hours like a fucking cow

Who must go?

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Is this fag left or right? Who’s replacing him?

>"Stasera rassegno le dimissioni". Il premier Mario Draghi lo ha annunciato in Consiglio dei ministri.
what did he mean by this?

So what now? How does Italy work? Will they call a snap election or will they vote on some other PM that will last for a maximum of 6 months?

himself with another coalition, or tecnical goverment until election probably

this evening he will go to the president and resign, he can accept or refuse them

can be both, we will se this evening could also be himself with another coalition

Klaus Schwab wants a new batch of world leaders I see

Another IMF payout....another leader quits.
Take the money and run.

Mama mia you mexicans run out of pasta again?

I wanted to try a true Italian lasagne, but the waiter looked at me like I was mad.

Turns out, it's not an Italian dish.