Men Would Lose Their Fucking Shit!

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Apart from the last line, the rest seems extremely reasonable.

Where I live, you need a waiting period, a psychological approval and some basic training.

Unless you are an instable nigger, this is not a problem for anyone looking for a gun.

another troon thread

all fields

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>parental permission
Are they suggesting minors can buy guns unaccompanied?

Sounds like ca, faggot.

Is this Canada

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just ban people with IQs under 100 from buying a gun. black people no longer have guns. problem solved. also ban people with IQs over 100 from getting an abortion. black people having tons of abortions and white people few. problem solved.

Mentally ill people should not own guns.

The biggest issue is the amount of guns. Idk how you deal with that. No matter what law it's just not going to work really.

>1pbtid slide thread

Sounds terrible. Good thing the right shall not be infringed, unlike the "right" to an abortion.

Coat hangers and zip guns for all!!!!

I completely agree. Leftists should not be able to purchase or use firearms.

I think gun ownership is a civic duty and it's too restricted already. I think abortion is wrong in most cases and should be more restricted. Is this supposed to convince me of something?

No but for real as soon as the government gives in their weapons I'll turn in mine. As soon as women are treated as property and men make the abortion choices, I'll support abortion.

> ridiculously low # of guns hurt anyone
> 100% of abortions kill someone

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Kek those are Californias gun laws. They already do all that

Seems like men run the world amd women are at their whim?
Is that possible?

I just waited 3 weeks for a handgun permit faggot.

Wish this were real, last step would be fucking funny

Mentally ill people DO own guns, though. No amount of laws will prevent that.

>make it easier to get a gun

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>in some states violently raped preteens can't abort their incestous fetuses
>in other states you can still kill a fully grown baby in utero days before birth for no reason at all
How is it that Americans manage to reach both ends of retardation horseshoe on almost every issue simultaneously?

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Oh shut the fuck up. The people who own these guns are overwhelmingly law abiding.

Nah they would just do it thats how determined they are to protect people from your pets