Ruining your life because you were horny

>ruining your life because you were horny

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>cut off your balls
>why is my sex drive gone?

his vote counts as much as yours


No balls, no libido?

Where do libido comes from you stupid redditor?

And so does the surgeon who performed the procedure.

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at least he's confirmed what everyone on Any Forums already knew. now that he's not horny he has no desire to transition, confirming that it was just a fetish. trans people literally turn their fetishes into their personalities and that is pretty fucking hilarious.

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I miss her great breasts too.

>i fell for the male privilege meme, how do i undo this?

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i always get a good laugh at these women that transition and discover the world doesn't give a shit about men. then they realize they had life on easy mode but they switched the difficulty level and can't make it anymore.

Its nice seeing a woman truly realize that as a man no one gives a fuck about you the way they do if you're a woman.


And the banker who gave the loan for the surgery

I can't really find it funny. When I see a middle aged troon I just feel disgust, and they tend to be awful people. It's frankly sad to see a pretty young girl destroy her life over transient teenage angst.

so she did actually did passed
congrats to her I guess

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But can his PC play Crysis?

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>Coomers suffering
This is actually the best timeline.

Maybe the solution to the simps problem is to let them transit

>he literally made himself a eunuch out of horny
this is an ironic, tragic, uniquely modern fate. past eunuchs certainly did not choose to be eunuchs.

We should get pitchforks and visit all the butchers who have tortured these people.

They most certainly did. Men would make themselves eunuchs to be eligible to work for the Chinese government. They'd make themselves eunuchs in Europe to be priests of various goddess cults.

This one thought being a manlet neckbeard would make life easier

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How can "woke" supporters look at these and not realize they did this and feel shame? These people have mental problems and need help, not encouragement. Its the exact same as telling a suicidal person to do a flip on the way down. The warning sign is right there in the 40% statistic. How come they don't trust THAT science?

trans is a Jewish scam to kill young people thru suicide

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damn, user. I thought they were just slaves that got snipped like dogs.

>buh-buh-but I'm a man now, where is all my privilege???
Lmao I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, but what a crazy way to learn. She could have just talked to a few men before cutting her tits off and scarfing down anabolic steroids, they would have told her that for most men, real life is not like being Dr. Chad Thundercock in her favorite romcoms and lifetime movies lmao

libido is stored in the balls
Along with pee.

wait what? he fucking voluntarily castrated himself?
girlfriend? no sex for months? she's still with a eunuch? really?
how the fuck... wha.. why .. this kind of fuckery is being normalized why exactly?
i legit don't get it.
>t. 39y/o boomer.

peak neet body, would eat tendies and play vidya with.

Woke supporters are also mentally ill, they are also evil.


Dollars to donuts his "girlfriend" is a tranny.

>his vote counts as much as yours
They equally don't count. America was not established in 1776 on "voting" - however, voting was explicitly for land owners.
As we all know at this time, JEWS are the ones behind this. JEWS believe themselves to be the shepherd that Jesus is, and JEWS are frequently wrong about everything, up to and including even the son of god.

ehhh theres a 41% chance it wont after awhile


She probably did talk to some men but since women dont view unattractive men as human she didn't even think to ask about their experience. She probably asked cool confident Chad's who told her how great it is to be a guy and she never even thought about the idea of being a low status male because they basically dont exist in her mind.

Not for long.

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No balls?
No bitches??

maybe she did ask and they decided not to tell her

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Because they live in misery and want to drag everyone else to it

these retards should start with removing themselves from the genepool


Those are rookie numbers, need to pump those numbers up with more forced reality of trans existence. Need to force these mental patients to understand the unrepairable damage they've done to their bodies, by choice.


Imagine believing dead people don't vote in current year.