Are we ready to admit we all hate Asian people yet?

Are we ready to admit we all hate Asian people yet?

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This thread again

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flag checks out

kys pacho

I mexicans and latinos actually. They are the real demons.

Wrong, this board hates the anglo-saxon world.

Asianu are based desu senpai.

hello butthurt belter

Clean up your own yard before you start hating on us, Bruce.

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i hate anything but white people.
and even then, most whites are trash as well.
but you should hate your government more as they allow your country to be taken over by the chinese while filling their own pockets, either through bribes or re-elections in thanks to virtue signaling.

I don't hate Japanese.

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What did we do to you?

We're all flawed.

Asian: had to endure too much suffering, has lack of empathy, Doesn't care much for anything.

Black: caused too much suffering, has lack of brain and control over impulses, is 1000s of years behind of the other races

Whites: Has been living too indiviualistic and care-free, too much empathy, will be exterminated because of this

Jews:Has played the victim too much, can only think of undermining other races because they're afraid of them, don't trust them and psychotically indoctrinated this way

Muslims: Has been too old-fashioned in their beliefs, subverting and conquering is in their blood even if they are unaware, a mix between Jews and Blacks.

Anglos are white, you are not.

spics are genetically asian

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>I don't hate Japanese.
日本人 arent actual Asians.

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This is very interesting

Hello British colony number 4839203750302
This board hates white people, welcome to the club buddy, if you haven't noticed by now.

Shut up kike.

Don’t you dare mix us you fucking subhuman. Stealing Saxon genes to offset your inferior Vong genetics doesn’t make someone Anglo-Saxon, anymore than the royal family is Anglo-Jewish

I don't. I just hate jews.

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He's probably an eshay.

This board hates everyone who isn't White, which is based, newfag.





I kinda like Japanese women tho

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Rye roo rate rasin peepole?

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They are worse than niggers

You want to "fuck" them as in to have a sexual intercourse with those specimens, but you don't want to fuck white people, thanks for proving my hypothesis. Your attempts to further damage control this will only support my claims even further.

Japanese are our friends.

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Straight up lying. Race-mixing is degenerate and disgusting, plus White women are the most attractive women.

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No. Chinese make pious and dignified Roman Catholics

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>another jew D&C slide thread
I hate evil pedoElite, and evil pedoElite pawns

Saint Mark Ji pray for us

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It doesn't matter, as Saxons are equally degenerate and they used to have the same aspirations as the angles, they wanted to displace all Eastern Europeans with Germans in world War 1 in world War 2, instead of colonizing Africa or america they wanted to colonize Europe.

i dont hate them, i just wish they would stop posting racebait threads

We have a fine saint for the mixed race peoples

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No they are not

Saint Martin pray for us

Attached: Saint Martin.jpg (503x637, 92.09K)

I like Japanese and Roof Koreans.

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Saint Paul Miki pray for us

Attached: Japanese saint Paul Miki.jpg (476x615, 108.16K)

>so organic
are thursdays asian day on pol?

so its not enough to take their women, you want to erode their religion and culture too

got it

you're evil