Still not working

Just had my 32nd birthday. Still live at home with my parents in our paid off house. When does the existential dread from not working kick in like you guys say it will?

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>When does the existential dread from not working kick in like you guys say it will?
about 40 when you realize.. there is NO way you can catch up and your ruined your life.

>when you realize.. there is NO way you can catch up and your ruined your life.
I had this realisation when i was 20, you're.just a coping wagie lmao sorry for being more enlightened

I don't need to catch up. I will be inheriting a house and my family has plenty of generational wealth.

If you're an only child, have a good relationship with your parents and enough motivation to apply yourself practically there will be no issues. Maybe with starting your own family if house is too small.
However if you spend your time with drugs and video games.. the dread likely kicks in when you're sober and away from the PC.

yeah but you will still have the feeling of "I didn't do shit" and that you just coasted through life. You never met any real challenges.. I mean ones that were not in your control. Also you will need other rich friends that lives the same lives, as any normal professional worker will just see you as weak person.. who never really proved themselves in life. Also don't count on that generational wealth 100%.. many fortunes are blown through or a million other things can happen that can drain the accounts to nothing.

You kinda sound like a college student.


I am 56 and retired. Worked for 30 years professionally. I know everyone here is like "don't a NEET.. modern jobs are just slavery".. yeah maybe if you have zero skills and work at wal-mart your entire life. But there is satisfaction to having challenges at work and meeting those challenges.. again I am not talking about stocking shelves at wal-mart or some shit. Also the problem with never working is that literally no one really respects you and kind of sees you as having mental issues.

Oh no a bunch of indentured servants won't respect me for being a trust fund chad. How will I ever recover

Look at the shame these billionaires have in the fact that they inherited their money. Bill Gates was born with a freaking silver spoon in his mouth and tries to this day to obscure that his parents were massively wealthy. Nothing gets under s rich kids skin like calling them out of that little fact. So you better go out and try to make something of yourself.

When your parents sell their house and realize you have nothing and they need the money to live off in the last phase of their lives (70 to 95 years old).

Bruh, I DO have mental issues. Jews ruined our society and I'm not starting over from scratch in this cesspool.

Okay. Well, fuck off then. Damn you seem like an insipid twat. Fuck off and go be by yourself since you are better than everyone.

Unless your parents are 10 million+ You are fucked user!

Same except i live alone. I'd love to reenter society but with no degree my only options are minimum wage service jobs and i'd rather kill myself than work a cash register.

Trust me.. you'll regret it later. You are still too young to know how your mind will change when you get older. Right now you're still a kid mentally. I would say.. 40-45 it will hit you. As the old saying goes "I know what it's like to be young, but you don't know what it's like to be old". And you assume how you view things now is how you'll always view things. Well I got news for ya...

>catch up
Eh, life isn't linear. Some dudes become alcoholics or drug addicts, some are divorce raped, some become obese and their kids suck, wife won't fuck them, etc. A NEET life is better than all these scenarios. That said, you should all actively work on building your lives the way you want. It's never "too late", so long as you can advance yourself on a day to day basis. Good luck my NEET frens.

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lmao you'll suffer.

If you can get by without working do so. There’s nothing proud about being a wagie in this climate. Getting up at 6am and slaving away everyday to feed niggers and fund kike wars, while never putting away any real savings, will rot your soul.
> t. wagie

The dread people talk about is equivalent to your parents cutting you off with no help. That’s how you can simulate the feeling, think about that. You have I skills, no wealth, no control and basically just in the wind. Like a giant adult baby.

>Doesn't have family that loves him
It's okay Jamal I know you can't relate to that.

He is coping because deep down he knows there is a price to be paid for just coasting through life with no real challenges or accomplishments. It's a price he will feel later, in the form of disappointment. And no, running a marathon or some other self-made challenge is not the same as working hard, using your brain, getting promoted and making good money but also knowing you have actual skills and value.

>It's okay Jamal
and shit like this just proves you are a reject of society and a loser. Enjoy your mental hell and regret in about 10-15 years.

dude im 38 alone jerking off all day empty fridge ordering take out every day sitting watching alf on tv. id rather live with my parents shit.

> rather kill myself than work a cash register

looool what a weak turd are you?

these are the BEST jobs. no brain, just execute.

I was thinking the other day how i would love to flip burgers at McD and how that would be interesting & relaxed af instead of this mentally challenging Engineering/PM bullshit i do all day.

Nigger you’re mad now? I just told you what you wanted to know and you’re butt hurt? Wow you are a giant baby. Good luck faggot, you’re going to need it when your legal guardians (parents) die. You’ll be alone with no skills and afraid like a little bitch that you are.

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>You can only be mentally stable if you complete menial tasks for jews
That sounds like your problem buddy. Maybe try to develop actually hobbies besides making Mr. Goldberg more money.

>catch up
god i'm so glad i'm not like your normalfags. time is the most precious resource you have. your desire to have nicer things is nothing more than feeding your ego at the expense of life

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Bourgeoisie moment.

It's different in America. You basically can't work around normies if you're depressed or "bad vibes" because you "bring everyone else down" You gotta have this fake happy attitude that is cancer inducing. Just can't do it. Make work culture more like russia where we're all depressed alcoholics but get through it anyways and nobody is obsessed with the "vibes"

>Maybe try to develop actually hobbies besides making Mr. Goldberg more money.
Hobbies are nice but in no way will bring the self-satisfaction of facing problems in life and overcoming those challenges through effort and skill. You are just a piece of floating crap.. soft and literally a sad joke to everyone in life that actually builds character and awareness and depth to life by handing real challenges. You are literally a soft turd.

while that all sounds nice and there's some truth to it you should remember that in the grand scale of things life is a meaningless bullshit show with no real
goal,merit or otherwise worthwhile
outcome. Remember: HONK HONK

standard Any Forums "reject of society" talk.. I just come to this cesspool sometimes. This board is a containment board I know.. and what it contains is pretty nasty and hopeless for the most part.

>you have actual skills and value
unless you're neuro surgeon or a quantum physicist, odds are your job isn't really that important and valuable user

Well if your parrents are rich and you have a gf then I say go for it. The problem is when you have zero money and no gf. How will you then make babies and spead your genes like a boss?


one day you will wake up with them saying to gtfo as they are moving to del boca vista

Sure there are. You can lift, develop a good physique. Complete in sports. Cooking. Hell, even video games. There is more to life than waking up and whoring yourself out to businesses.

Right around the time your dad dies and the fridge runs empty and the electric bill envelopes start to pile up.
Granted being a wageslave is a miserable hell, but you are caught by the lazy self indulgent indolence of a dying first world empire. Your not gonna make it.
'Work' 'effort' 'labor' and 'achievement' are all real things, none of which are synonymous with wageslavery for mr shekelstein.
I cant imagine what life is like for you people. Where do you live, in the heart of a nigger hive city? I work all day long, the plants and animals wont make it if I dont. How do you just sit and rot, indoors? Fuck jewish money and society, get the fuck outside in the sun, the green, the air, and break a sweat once in a while. If you live too sedentary, even covid'll kill you.

I don't share this view completely.. I mean I know we all die and yeah 10,000 years from now our lives won't mean shit. But there is a regret that many people feel when older if they literally did nothing in life other than hobbies.. part of that regret is no one will really relate or respect you unless they are NEETs too.. and this group of people is not really a great group to be around.

> Responding to OP w/ new meme flag
Doesn’t matter. You build critical thinking skills. What you don’t use you lose or atrophy.

you could be moving heavy boxes of stuff around an ugly building all day, think of the fun you're missing!

in Joe's america he can get fent at every corner and sell his mouth for nigger dick to pay for it

I'm an only child and when my parents die I inherit their entire estate. You're the one who seems awfully mad lol

I’ve seen men in their 59s and 60s with no sense of reality still child like. Few friends because no one can relate to his nonsensical mentality. Their only full time job is brown nosing his mommy ass so she can give him money for beer and drugs. Your on your way to believing online lies and memes on Any Forums and eventually becoming a mass shooter when you feel like your life is going nowhere

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yeah i know what you mean & it checks out

>When does the existential dread from not working kick in like you guys say it will?
When the people who are responsible for actually supporting you are gone. It will start when you realize you are not self supportive, and even as an adult, are dependent on the good will and work ethic of others, to literally survive.
It should have already started. The realization that your parents raised a child, but never got to see them become a man, should shame you to change your parasitic ways, but it sounds like you are a lost cause OP.

you're here forever faggot

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>You can lift, develop a good physique. Complete in sports. Cooking. Hell, even video games
yeah this tells me you are still age 16 in your mind. I am not trying to give you a hard time... I am just saying you likely will feel that dissatisfied feeling in your 40s. It's not the end of the world, but the older you get, you'll feel something was missed. Also when older and people ask "so what did you do for your career" and you say "well I never worked I cooked and played video games".. they will be like.. "oh....ok".. and think..ohh mental issues are insecurity or other psychological problems.

One of the darkest deeds the jew ever performed was convincing the white man that achievement was a flaw and sitting indoors at a desk rotting away is the way to fight global jewish dominion.
Serious question: how does a NEET differ from a woman?

If I really feel the need to be validated like that I can just lie and say I worked remotely for some software engineering job.

one day your parents will die and you'll have no savings and will be doomed to live paycheck to paycheck barely scraping by

you have about 3-4 years left i would say

> and even as an adult, are dependent on the good will and work ethic of others, to literally survive

we're no longer ancient tribe level.
He'll fill a form for gibs and thats it.
No one gives a fuck anyway.

>Your only achievements can be in the workplace
Good goy. Work for your peanuts so you can keep up those payments on your shitshack you had to take out a $300000 mortgage to buy, kek. At least you "Achieved" something

What can you do? What is your field of expertise?

>file for gibs
>still dependent on the good will and work ethic of others, to literally survive

>"I know what it's like to be young, but you don't know what it's like to be old"
lmao what a faggot thing to say

that might be a good idea.. honestly. To lie about it.. because there will be people that instantly assume there was some mental issue or paranoia or just general fear of going out there and competing in life, and they will have no respect at all, unless they are neets too. Anyone who worked a career and made accomplishments will kind of feel sorry for you.. so is good to lie I think if in that situation :)

> One of the darkest deeds the jew ever performed was convincing the white man that achievement was a flaw

i thought about that a while ago. it's really a thing, this anti-success mentality. couldn't pin it down where it comes from. probably some psychological thing like inferiority or who knows