Christians allowed clownworld

They stood idly by and did nothing because they were taught to turn the other cheek. Their religion is a death cult that teaches them that if your enemies kill you, you win because the bible says you'd be persecuted. They have 0 self preservation and any self respecting white would disown that religion

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Turn the other cheek :D


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See you in one hour for anti christian thread
#486572059468790-287609287 the sequel to this one

lol that is actually my kind of girl

Truth hurts, bitch

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Lol Jesus sent us away at the end with a sword.
I think you're missing something, bitch.
Get ready for the fire.

this x24

You're all scum. The pope loves fags and immigrants. Lack of denominational unity is part of the reason you failed

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You're still not doing shit. Keep talking, bitch. Don't worry, just do nothing and you'll totally win in the afterlife

none of the tiny amount of having balls in the bible is taught in church anymore anyways. and church leaders will go to jail if they say now is the time to fight.

>America a much more Christian nation 30 years ago
>American secularism/atheism increasing every single year
>Now wake up in Globohomo dystopia
>This is Christian Americans fault

This is your brain on twitter.

She's just paying for her vacation with simpbux. Nothing wrong with this.

kek I forgot about that, even catholic are pro fag, pro nigger, and pro abortion now.

Give to the poor
Cut penis

Is this christianity or progressivism

>Christians ruled the nation and it fell apart under their watch but it's not their fault
This is your brain on abrahamic cope

Yep. It all started under their watch, and then as people leave their cult because its obviously an evil cult, the remaining christians blame it all on people leaving their cult.


Christcucks passed the 1965 Immigration Act, written by a jew and a christcuck, back when America was 94% White and 99% Christian.

The fact you're so easy to subvert is the fucking point.

Is she trying to photograph that towel?

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they are exactly like liberals or communist except huge pussies

Christianity is the pathway to eternal damnation.

it wasnt real communi i mean christianity!!

Same thing

lots of hand rubbers ITT

>White people ruled the nation and it fell apart under their watch but it's not their fault

she fell down between the seats and she is trying to use that stick as a counterbalance to get back up


>hehehe real life is gonna play out juuuuuuuuuust like my big jew written book!

>The fact you're so easy to subvert is the fucking point.

Christianity is actually the original jewish subversion and the template for all following jewish subversions. Jesus was the first marxist and also the first bio-leninist. It comes as no surprise that he was also a jew. Everything in clown world can trace its origins to religious marxism, aka christianity. Killing a christian is too merciful. Their souls need to be holocausted because they are spiritually diseased.

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You do know you worship a kike on a stick?

>Christians allowed clownworld
So what were you? An innocent bystander?

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You speak truth, but this happened because Christians gave into false doctrine. Titus 1:9-16 clearly lays out where false doctrine often comes from.

99% of people are religious out of self preservation instinct

Clown World Chronicles has a chapter about Christcucks for this reason

She should pull herself up using my dick instead.

You wanna know how I can tell that you're a kike

What do abrahamics do with all those foreskins anyway?

Christianity is the original clownworld. A jewish Middle Eastern religion that white men killed each other about.

Never truer.

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i must rape

It's just demonstrably not true. Christians have consistently been at the forefront of fighting your kike asses, this whole libshit
>"Turn the other cheek, goy :^)"
interpretation is recent, as in within the last ten years, and is the result of leftists infiltrating and subverting the church.

if I had the $$ that's what I would do, start a streaming service that brings all these sloots out to these lavish houses and locations so they can seem exotic and fill themselves sticking plastic dicks in their holes. It's like a photo shoot, wardrobe and makeup.

Hey dummy, 30 years ago they were still trying to get their foot in the door to push all the garbage they do now, and the Christians swung that door WIDE OPEN for them. I remember my hardcore ultra Christian boomer dad always cucking and acting like a pussy anytime I would point out things like race and the people controlling us when I was younger. They'd rather turn the other cheek and ignore it than have to think about it and deal with it. And their big book gives them every excuse in the world to do just thahagdat.

exactly, christians are proto-marxists in so many ways

You're absolutely a kike

Let's see what the atheists are doing about it. Oh, they're a core part of clown world.

If your holy church can be infiltrated and subverted, then it was not holy to begin with, just another social institution like any other.

Judeo-Christianity is a lie, no two things are more opposite.
For yourself, you're responsible for your family though, pastors are responsible for their congregation, leaders are responsible for their nations.

I wasn't alive to prevent it, retard. Some of us are young and hold 0 power. I'm a victim of clownworld
Refute my point, bitch. You can't, it's the truth
Christians allowed the Fed, immigration acts, and decoupling from the gold standard. Most boomers are "turn the other cheek" Christians which is why their kids are all degenerates.

If it's so recent why did I hear nothing but that bullshit growing up in church 30 years ago? In both Baptist and non denominational churches?

>Christians allowed clownworld
ask me how I know OP is a kike

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>Baseless claims
>Anecdotal evidence

Most Christians would rather their daughter marry a Christian black than a non-denominational White.

>strawmanning again
I'm not atheist
>ad hom
Refute the argument or gtfo

Jesus let himself get arrested and killed and specifically told his disciples not to fight "put your sword back in its place". Christianity is basically one big "own the libs" religion where you let your enemies destroy you then rejoice in the resulting hardship and persecution.

>hurr durr let's follow Christ's example and let the Jews kill us then we'll totally own the libs when we come back to life.

It's just fucking pathetic.

it's not, if you accept one of these statements as truth and not te other you look like a dishonest kike with a grugde agaisnt christianity

>Any Forums will still fall for the d&c jew shilling
at least you didn't use a memeflag this time, op. Good on you there. To everyone else, sage and ignore

Anyone who grew up in a Christian household knows their parents just ignored and allowed evil rather than trying to fight it. Christians are cucked completely. Keep turning that other cheek goyim.

Perhaps the Christian approach leads to results in the next life, but it's a sure way to lose this world to the demons, damning future generations to endure in the world we allowed to collapse before they were even born.

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When did i say i disagree with it? You're still just strawmanning and diverting the discussion

Hate critians all you want but it's very funny seeing this thread go "its not the jews it's the crhitians they are the oens to blame " when chirtianity as a relgion is striagh up dying at this point. MIght as well blame fucking greek mythology. Anything to not name the jew i guess.

According to Christians you have the same value as an AIDS hepatitis starving nigger in an African shithole.

Same shit for muslims, muh bilal muh humma we're all Allah slaves...

Only jews are based when it comes to discriminating between them and goyim

You can't be muslim/christian and be a race realist/racist

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>If your country can be infiltrated and subverted, it's not a country sorry goy
>If your political movement can be infiltrated and subverted, it's not a political movement sorry goy
>If your culture can be infiltrated and subverted, it's not a culture sorry goy
Hmmm. I'm starting to see a pattern here, Moshe. Btw God allowed your temples to be destroyed as punishment, he has abandoned you.

Did i say they caused clownworld? No i said they allowed it. I don't have to say "jews did this" every fucking thread retard

I always knew Romans were Jews.