Western women wtf

Real story:
30yo, med, 6.1ft, not a gigachad but done gimnastics and I take care of myself.

Lived in south east Asia for since I was a teenager. To me asian girks are the standard, yes had the 10/10, the chubby cute and all kinds of Asian girls. All good.

Come back to my med shithole, wtf happened to the women here? What did I miss!?!?

-All mostly fat but don't dare pretend she is not atractive to you, all bodies are beautiful and attractive to (you) wether u like it or not. If you don't like her you support fat phobia.

-copious amounts of no trust, Ive felt nearly accused of abuse just by the fact that I didn't prove mysekf otherwise.

-The very little number of "normal" non-feminist girls are simply too little in number, fat or not attractive or simply terrible in sex.

Bros, Im SERIOUSLY not keen on racemixing but for real:
Given my options of marrying a 10/10cute asian trad wife that wants kids, sucks my dick cosplaying whatever I want, plays videogames with me and the other girl we like that we bang together...


"You better like my REAL FEMALE BODY or you are a sexist" women in my med shithole country

Choice is clear bros.
I got good genes, but in a whole year I haven't had great sex. simply fuck this shit. Im going back to my Asian muses.

Western women, plz, fix yourselves.
If you are a femanon.. get fit, talk to your friends, get rid of feminism. its no good its not attractive its a lie.


Chad that would fuck u good and marry a cutie med girl if there was any that is worth it.

Tl:dr: Chad ready to settle down giving up on western women...

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East Asian women are a true way for EVROPEAN man. Leave roasties alone.

haven't you heard user? Spain is unironically a feminist ruled country now. We have laws established and pushed by feminism, we have a ministry of equality to which your taxes go to. And we're stuck in 2014-2015 gamergate style feminism where people are still gaslit about absolute bs feminist myths that were dispelled half a decado ago by every other country on earth. You best stay in gooklands if you want a average normal life, because all the women here have become genuine harpies

I've heard that feminists in spain make western feminists look traditional kek. Why are they so insane? Isn't spain a catholic country?

stop shilling Asian women I don't want more competition
always badmouth them online

Not that the West in general is doing much better, but you've chosen the worst place possible to look for an unpozzed wife.

they're batshit insane. "the patriarchy" is an accepted reality here. Worse are the men who are too beta to even speak up about it. Meanwhile the debt and economic crisis keeps destroying everything but who cares muh patriarchy is the biggest issue in this country folx! Ofc this works out great for the corrupt politicians since that way they can shift the discourse to a made up boogeyman they don't need to solve since it's made up and thus will never be solved.
>Isn't spain a catholic country?
barely at this point. Not to mention christianity is a cuck religion that allows and grifts along with this shitty delusion out of desperation to get more followers.

Man, it's way worse than anything I could ever expected. Im an actual +8 guy, in Asia girls flock to me, here in Spain? its impossible. Worst one was a girl at best a 6/10 but hey, she was at least a nerd, fun to talk to etc. everything is fine, goes and asks me if I have cameras recording her to sell her on the internet or sth.I obviously felt insulted so I stopped the act, she proceeds to cry telling me there was no reason for that sudden lack of trust and that her friends always talk about that so "what if"

Thing usmy mum is a feminist. I actually agree with a lot of what it says. I just don't like not being treated as an equal and all women pretending men are sexist until proven otherwise.

>like asian women so much you badmouth them so your preference stays obscure and asian woman continue to not catch on as a whole and chase white boys and will drop to their knees for any whitoid >=7/10
Yeah, I'm thinkin' based.

I should add that, any crime commited by a man towards a woman is automatically presumed to be based on sexist motives (guilty until proven innocent, and thus goes against the spanish constitution), and people find it perfectly normal.
We are amongst the lowest countries in rape statistics, and amongst the lowest countries in dead women by murder, but the second one does get murdered or raped, it gets blown hard out of proportion and it "proves" how it is a patriarchy lmao.

my entire family save for my uncle, is pretty much leftist. There is nobody to talk to about this insanity in my family. Whenever i discuss these things with my mother she gives me credit when I make valid arguments but then instantly switches to playing them down massively. At this point I just don't bother talking about it with them as they throw a george floyd sized casket over any disagreement.

White women are absolute goblin mode and I'm tired of pretending they're not.

sounds like Sweden but with better weather

East Asian women are good enough user, don't stress.

What's the best country for finding a non-swarthy asian waifu? are they as picky and feminist as white european girls?

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european women are an abomination
>get almost no success anywhere in europe
>go to turkey and get treated like a chad
the EU did this

Whiteness of the Asian race will vary but Japanese and Koreans are regarded as the closest to white; but this will depend on who you ask.

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they're all swarthy to a degree. the sparkly ones you have in that webm all have had their bodies bleached. least swarthy would be japs i suppose

Times we are in we have only a few options:
>Get a younger woman and become a father to her in order to teach her shit (highly frustrating and time consuming and she can betray you because women are whimsical)
>Find a good woman who isn't fucked in the head and can learn (very very rare)
>Become some kinda ultra gigachad who a feminist woman is willing to compromise for.

you have to go for Japanese ones

For real, fuck white women ever since I went Asian exclusive I've never looked back.

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Japanese are the pinnacle of Asian women. Other then it really depends

>Western women, plz, fix yourselves
Only genetic engineering can fix them.

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welcome to me 9 years ago. surprised it took so long to hit spain

what are the ages of these badly behaving white women? i don't think it's about race, just forget about girls over 18 or non-virgins.

all ages, it gets put into their heads as soon as they enter highschool.

There are good White women left. Get a better social circle. It's hard, I know, but that is a solution.

i would kill to sniff a HPV ridden white pussy though

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Bahh welcome to my life.
Marrying Indonesian Asian like next year.
Fucked like;
x2 Polish
x3 Swedish
x5 Dutch
x20 Greek
1 Ukrainian
x2 Czech
x2 Norwegians
x10 British
x2 Turkish
1 Italian
And a bunch of Irish, Spanish, Portuguese and even a Cuban I won't go into... Just remember these words; "Western women are brainwashed fools." and you'll be fine.
If she has blue or green eyes she is a snake in the grass around your feet & I'm not even a Muslim saying this lol!

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