Blacks are kept down in society

>Blacks are charged with more crimes
>Blacks are given longer sentences
>Blacks are more likely to live in poverty
>Blacks have no voice
>Blacks are discriminated against and hated everywhere they go

Why is the black community targeted by everyone else and treated like garbage?

Attached: inequality.webm (576x1024, 1.44M)

Attached: 94C8FC3E-4189-4FF4-8FEB-711E9DC0A087.jpg (911x1024, 111.95K)

Is that an albino nigger?

Ask Nate Higgers

monke woman

What the fuck is wrong with that bitches face?

Attached: womensrights.jpg (1024x569, 56.07K)

What the fuck is that

wtf, didn't Neanderthals go extinct?

>different court cases have different outcomes
I'm shocked. Fuck ugly caveman looking ass

Blacks live under the tyranny of low expectations created by whites but unlike other races blacks like it.

The whitest american

>Blacks are charged with more crimes
That's a weird way of saying blacks commit more crimes

>Blacks are given longer sentences
That's a weird way of saying blacks are multiple offenders

>Blacks are more likely to live in poverty
Blacks made a choice between freedom or welfare 70 years ago

blacks are barely even people

Attached: ugh.jpg (240x232, 6.61K)

>Blacks are charged with more crimes
they commit more crimes.
>Blacks are given longer sentences
they commit more serious crimes and are more often repeat offenders.
>Blacks are more likely to live in poverty
they're lazy and not very smart.
>Blacks have no voice
they're annoyingly loud.
>Blacks are discriminated against and hated everywhere they go

now do mexicans

Why don't they go back to Africa then?

blacks have pretty much weaponized sociology against everyone else.
they have become wise to the ways of jewish tricks.

>>Blacks are charged with more crimes
You mean Niggers commit more crimes
>>Blacks are given longer sentences
You mean niggers commit more severe crimes?
>>Blacks are more likely to live in poverty
You mean niggers refuse to get a job
>>Blacks have no voice
>>Blacks are discriminated against and hated everywhere they go
And rightly so.


The phenotype that prevents white nationalists from being taken seriously, though this one got her opinions via cultural enrichment

wtf is this abomination? is she a nigger? or she part monkey? tf am I looking at?

>Blacks are given longer sentences
Not even remotely true

Nah, eyes aren't read. Just some kind of weird mutt, probably abo mix.

i dont know if she would be considered white anywhere in the white world. She looks like a pre-human ancestor.

and yet the still don't stop committing crimes