Polebros I don't feel so good

Will Poland be conquered again, or Putin will be stopped by big polish cock?

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What do they mean expand? We are at hybrid war with them for fucking years now. Who do you think tried to pour all those muslim invaders trough Belarus?

Straight up misinformation. The show on the screenshot is not a news cast but a loud fuck debate "panel"

>Will Poland be conquered again
Yes. That is their role in history, to be conquered again and again by the big boys.

Russia will grow larger

Russia will sweep across western europe with an army of T-62 tanks! Just watch and tremble, Globohomo!

What an ugly whore.

who need poland ? its a useless country.

what exactly do you think they will do?

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Cruise missiles on polish military facilities who are used to train and transfer weapons to Ukraine ?
Reddit Legion 2 electric boogaloo.

Good. We welcome our liberators.

Jews, and Lukashenko stopped caring about stopping them after years of "polish" gov being a dick towards him.

Yes and?
What is weird in helping country that is in open war with country that openly tried to proxy invade yours just half year earlier?

>The show on the screenshot is not a news cast but a loud fuck debate "panel"
Come on Ivan, we both know how this works, our media takes your extremists who have no power and misrepresents what your country is saying, and your media takes our retards and misrepresent the entire country as well

Wtf I love funding ukraine now

The war is not officially declared, it's a special operation, so people helping Ukraine are not co-belligerents. If Russia officialy declare war and a country help Ukraine, then it became a co-belligerent.
That's why the west can help without really risking anything.

Yes, precisely; they are doing special operation, we are doing special military trianing and special military equipment testing.

>will be stopped by big polish cock?
user that's not proper way to stop tanks and rockets.

What conquest?
They'll just reduce Warsaw and a few other larger cities to dust and call it a day.

>we didn't need Warsaw anyway
>we didn't need Lida anyway
>we didn't need Minsk anyway
>Belarus can join EU, we don't care, it's not a threat
>we didn't need Smolensk anyway
>we didn't need Mos-ACK

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This is a warning to Russia: the west is not afraid to preemptively bomb Poland into the stone age to prevent you Russians from taking over. Don't try us.

If Russia invades Poland it truly is game over. You better start making plans to evacuate the northern hemisphere before it's too late or the government makes it illegal to leave country.

Absolutely delusional. No one in their right mind would want to own Moscow.

i want russia to invade germany and kill all our politicians.
it would be glorious.

Why do slavs hate each other so much? Let bygones be bygones, stop living in the past and join the rest of the world in the present.

We owned Moscov for a bit in XVII century, they still celebrate independence from Poland in Russia... but yea we are all bit insane.

>Why do slavs hate each other so much?
We don't. Unfortunately, Putin are at the Russian helm.

Flies them in from their home countries releases them on border.

>Stopped caring about stopping them

The only thing that grows larger in Russia is the rectums of their soldats from fucking each other.