ALBERTA marches to Independence

The time has come for Alberta to throw off the chains set upon us by our Canadian and Laurentian masters. The current regime has unequivocally made it clear that fossil fuels will be shut down permanently. This can only mean the ruination of our prosperous and free land. Barring the reason of our own economic doom, we are also more importantly a distinct culture that values freedom and independence above all else. This culture is incompatible with the monarchist/federalist culture of southern Ontario and Quebec.

----- NEWS -----

>Tamera Lich back in jail

>Unknown or ill-defined causes of death #1 killer in Alberta for 2021

>Pope set to visit Hobbema this month

----- UCP Leadership Election -----

>Membership is $10/yr
>Aug 12th membership deadline to vote Sept 2-Oct 3

Many of the candidates have asserted that ivermectin/hydroxychloriquine was covered up, and have called for investigations into how the Kenney administration handled the pandemic, as well as denouncing the vaccine passport scheme. Many have also denounced globalism and WEF elitists.

----- Required Reading -----

>Alberta's History, Volume I of XI

>No Other Option: Self-Determination for Alberta

>Alberta Has the Sovreign Right to Issue and Use Its own Credit

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What would you ask?

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A tomboy for every man.

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Is this Calgary?

Also remember to enjoy stampede and watching people throw up in public.

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Yes. It is Calgary, the City of Champions.

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Heres somewhere around red deer.

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Maximum pukage.

Looks good.

Damn you're badass

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Yes but your flag is gay. Good effort though.

Attached: Greater_Alberta.png (2288x1104, 54.8K)

I asked if the candidates are willing to have an independence referendum if the federal government keeps acting like a fucking dick.

How do I make friends? I'm so tired of being lonely.

Rotate your images dumbfuck.

Attached: 5f4.jpg (680x381, 41.5K)

god it's perfect

Alberta is becoming increasing liberal and only a small percentage of people actually want independence. British Columbia would frankly have a better chance considering how it’s becoming an extension of east Asia.

Fitting that he most american province has the most american flag. In other words, it's painfully mediocre and non-distinct.

They should come up with something good that is not just a seal-on-bedsheet.


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Did some searching and this is the best design I can find.

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Eat my ass.
No its being fucked with mass immigration.

Outside of the cities its based and kino.

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Gay minarchist flag
Just leave the yellow part blue and put a massive snake coiled around a fasces on the middle of the blue field to show unity and defiance

Looks like the flag of a central Asian republic.

Super Mario 2 was the best Mario, and I don't care what you think.

Based in what way, exactly? Every small town in Alberta seems like a pit of ugliness and despair.

Canada will always be Liechtenstein to me.

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