These signs piss me off

These signs piss me off
I like to flip them off before continuing on my way

Attached: AP03060408223.jpg (1500x1125, 1.83M)

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I was 16 years old once too, op.

Man. Has. Territory.
You. Stay. Off.
It's a thing humans do. Deal with it. You'll own property too one day.

Why don't you bark at me you filthy fucking mutt

Good way to get shot depending on where you are.

That's too bad because if you disobey the signs there are consequences and not many witnesses in the sticks. I wouldn't ignore the sign if it were me.

You're scared of your own shadow

How does it feel to be more cowardly than the average teenager?

I should be, user.


Thats fine. You dont have to agree with the concept of private property. You just have to obey it.

No shit retard

Upload a TikTok of you barking. Maybe I'll bark back.

You should punch a dick-sized hole in those signs and leave a cum-like substance on it.

I’m saying fuck the sign. Literally fuck it. With your dick. To completion.

I don't want to participate in your furry roleplay session
vandalism is a great idea
It has the added benefit of making the assholes even more paranoid

I miss the user who posted homeless whores he would bang and talk politics with. That was an interesting user

Sorry you never knew your dad, user.

purple paint on a fence post is all it takes. I'll fucking shoot you for crossing my fences marked and your shitbags can't do anything about it.

Nothing wrong with a grow op here and there.

This. People disappear for this in the countryside.

Same just because I work for the DOT and have to take them off state property. I feel your sentiment.

Pretty sure these signs are to release them from any sort of legal responsibility if you get on their land and snap your neck sucking your own dick or something. Pretty sure most people who own a random patch of forest don't give a shit if you walk through it.

They are there for a reason nigger, you wanna get shot or tortured by some psychopath because it was an inconvenience to you?

Attached: 1656338251804.jpg (107x125, 2.37K)

>Pretty sure most people who own a random patch of forest don't give a shit if you walk through it.
^this is what Californian apartment dwellers actually believe

Better never step foot on my property turdball.

Attached: TresspassersWillBeShot.jpg (400x282, 13.68K)

In Texas we put those there so we can shoot, sign a paper, then go about our day, while paramedics scrape you're body up and take you away. Not even being edgy or cringe. Thats the real reason