Black Father Of 10 Commits Suicide After Being Denied The Right To Food Stamps

>Davante Marquis, a 30 year old father from Dallas, committed suicide after being denied access to the SNAP program, which feeds over 3 million Texans a year. Activists are now blowing the whistle on the incident, and calling for an investigation into Marquis' death, and for felony charges to be pressed against the government employees responsible for Marquis' rejection.

>"Davante Marquis was yet another innocent and precious black life claimed by the institutional racism of our white leaders, and the employees responsible, as well as their families, should be held accountable for their part in upholding white supremacy" said local activist Tamara Davis, who organized a peaceful protest and car rally outside a shopping mall the day after the video of Marquis death was circulated on social media.
>Marquis family has raised over raised over $230,000 on GoFundMe, after starting a page to crowdfund money for Marquis' childrens school supplies, food, and a vehicle to take them to school. The money went to Tamara Smith, the mother of three of Marquis' children, who purchased a Dodge Hellcat. She is also receiving legal council pro bono whilst pursuing a 3 million dollar wrongful death suit against the state of Texas.


>Purchased a dodge hellcat

Lol. Just stop. I know it's fake now.

This video is old you faggot JEW

> Activists are now blowing the whistle on the incident, and calling for an investigation into Marquis' death, and for felony charges to be pressed against the government employees responsible for Marquis' rejection.

>felony charges for refusing food stamps to an unqualified persons

When do they start shooting (((activists)))?

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>Purchase a Hellcat

No fucking way lol

Splat Albert strikes again

Can I get free food? FUCK NO LOL
Can I get three million dollars? FUCK NO LOL
Can the media pls write a story about me and care about me? FUCKING LOL!

I'm sure it's the blacks who are discriminated against not me

She needs to get to SCHOOL


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Made me click the link. 7/10, OP. It was just inflammatory enough to make me curious but not so much so that I immediately dismissed it.

That nigger had an awful lot of fat to be needing food stamps.

Fucking weak ass pussy of a man. Just get a fucking job YOU LAZY FUCKING NIGGERS AND STOP KILLING PEOPLE.



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Slide thread. What does Any Forums think of the knife I made from an old lawn mower blade?

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>not giving niggers free money is white spreemcee

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Very cool, have you ever tried to do a curved blade style like a falx?

>10 kids
Wow it's like a demographic suicide bomber. Allahu nigger

>"Davante Marquis was yet another innocent and precious black life claimed by the institutional racism of our white leaders, and the employees responsible, as well as their families, should be held accountable for their part in upholding white supremacy"

Is this satire?

He realized his kids were all joggers and took his own life in shame

>denied access to the SNAP program

Sheboon mad she can't get SNAP 10 times in a row


You need to look into getting some jewelers rouge polish. I think the green stuff is for getting steel to a mirror polish.

Anyway, that knife would go up to a 7/10 if you got a pack of automotive sanding paper and went from 220 down to 800 or so, then use the rouge polish.

There is also yellow jewellers rouge, it is pricier, like $20 for an oz instead of $2, but it is what a lot of pro woodworkers use. Woodworkers get some of their tools sharper than surgeons scalpels, if you want info on how to get a perfect edge and a perfect mirror polish on your tools, check out how they restore old chisels and planes.

As soon as he was unable to leech from the system, he offed himself, instead of having to do an honest day's work to actually feed his nigspawn.
>"Jus' leave it to whitey, all's they fault anyway!"

Also, you really could do a better job on that handle.

It looks functional, but if you want 10/10 you need to atleast do some nice wire inlay and polishing.

They are so retarded. I wonder how their position correlates to the payout demographics of that program.

Fucking stupid nigger shouldn't have 10 kids anyway. Hope they die too.

Smithy here. You could put more time on your blades but overall it's adequate for a first noif.

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Not yet. I have a dagger that I'm working on next.
This took me and my dad about two cases of beer to do this. It has some thin spots from forging so we couldn't buff out all the rough spots. It's sharp though.

I can give you a few quick tips if you are truly willing into improving the craft.

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Nice, you should try to make a dacian falx.

Your stuff looks nice. Sure I like pointers. I'm very much am amateur, I get drunk and make blades with my dad.

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I see, there is actually a pretty easy method for getting a lawnmower blade flat and straight without forging/hammering or even needing a real forge. If you can get some strong enough clamps to just pinch it flat, you can just heat treat it like that a few times, clamped down flat between two pieces of thicker straight steel.

You can also fix old, bent knives this way. The heat treatment causes the crystal matrix in the steel to reform a bit and hold the straight shape. You just gradually bend with clamps while heat treating. Most electric ranges with a broil setting get hot enough to do this, and there are no fumes or burning of anything, you just clamp your steel up and heat to straw yellow.