Do you think we will ever win another war?

Do you think we will ever win another war?

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we should have an army of all straight white males. that sounds wonderful.

are you brain damaged? there is literally. literally no reason to object to faggots and trannies dieing for the israel instead of straight white males

Looks like an officer's son eating at the how hall. That thing isn't dying for Pissrael. It couldn't do a push up.

Just keep your rivals to sub tribal warfare capabilities and youll be fine.

I blame it on Trays BBC

I hope that fag on the right got disciplined for mocking a beautiful trans woman soldier.

No. Winning wars isn't woke enough.

war is a tool of genocide and population control gone are the days of nationalism and idealsim where they fought for some higher purpose. the only purpose they fight for and argueably have ever had others fight for is power and its retention.

No but maybe Mexico can help

Fucking faggots make sick

ZOG won't
We will

Death to America
Long live America

Guy clearly lost a bet or something. He looks furious.

They aren't in combat arms jobs.
Only straight White men and a small portion of the best of the others will do the actual fighting.

Americans will. But probably not the US military, not for a while.

Looks like a prank of dare or he had to put that on judging by how they are looking at him

You can’t eat at a chow hall without a meal card or paying for it with cash, which no one would ever do. Also if you don’t think he has a change on being active duty you haven’t been around military bases.

You never won a war shartmerican

We haven't won one in so long, why start now?

Our current government certainly will not

Bullshit, we won the Civil War. So there.

some gi lost a fucking bet or got in trouble with superior with sense of humor and everyone is having a blast, but pol friendles incels brain got fucked to the point they can't stop replaying their tranny fantasies. Imagine being this autistic.

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You’d be very wrong.

i bet this tranny is more productive than these two fags taking the picture

Damn based muricans just BTFO'd the cukcnadian!!

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Oh wow a Scotsman in the wild.

Will we ever have an actual war? We'll just have our resources drained to fund "developing" pajeet nations until the Earth physically can't sustain human life and a mass die off ensues.

You guys know what the mentally ill tranny is there for right? Why would a country's military or government seek soldiers who hate their own country? Who think everyone who doesn't share their moronic view of the world is literally hitler? Tranny and to a lesser degree, female soldiers exist so that our military will have people willing to murder US citizens if the need arises.

>dumb take
>dumb flag

Oh yeah we don't have trannies in every facet of society or anything. Stfu

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this trannies, are they in the room with you right now?

>You guys know what the mentally ill tranny is there for right?
Because you have a recruiting crisis and the army will pay for transitioning.