5'11 is now a manlet cut in mexico

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6'3" is the beginning of tall. everything under that and you look up to a man every day. above, you see eye to eye with all mankind.

It doesn't matter how tall a mexican is, they're still low empathy cartel goons and mentally retarded. Having a three-scoop icecream isn't great when the icecream is horseshit flavour

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I’m 5’6” lads. Is it over for me?

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I'm 5'9" and taller than most Mexicans.

I'm 6'4" but ugly so it doesn't even matter.

I'm 5'9 and I'm taller than most Mexicans.
How does that make you feel?

The few Latinx Folx I've seen in my area are always exceptionally shorter compared to white mayonaise colonizers

I was on public transport today all the young men zoomers are at least 6 feet only the old ones are 5 feet tall

Eat more nigger cock leftshit.

always was

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It's a confidence boost. Some of you can stay to make me feel taller.

automatic 5. in profile just say 'im tall and not lying'. you're fine.

6'2 is now average here

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BIPOCs are people just like you and I. My wife's boyfriend is a wholesome BIPOC who lets me play his PS4.

Anyone complaining women won’t date them for their height hasn’t tried making money first. Just have enough money to have shit to do with them, don’t be boring and you’re golden. Women who focus on height aren’t attracted to anyone, they just want to impress and spark envy in other women.

They don’t want a hooker you fucking retard, they’re aware they have that option already.

Accurate. I'm 5'7" and did pretty well even when I was poor

Why do americans do this

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