Tic Tac UFO seen over Moscow Russia

What does this mean ?

Attached: Screenshot_20220713-182824~3.png (1077x1356, 870.1K)

It means you are a mutilated muttspawn cocksniffing retard

Original photo of screen shot,

Attached: Screenshot_20220713-182824~2.png (1077x1356, 866.9K)

I don't know, I have a bad feeling. This thing just shot across the live stream.

Probably something to do with nukes

That's what I'm worried about, what do these tic tac do ? Russia has nothing like this. Why is it in Russia !!!!! On live stream

That’s a cloud retard

No it's not, it moved across the screen, and you can see the difference in the clouds then the circled image what seems to be a tic tac.

Faker than the belief that all race are equal

probably going to "intercept" the nukes and then establish a world government

Look at it, that thing is not fake, if it is fake tell me how they got it to move.

What the fuck, how do they intercept ? Explain and post reference.

Other people saw it,they are to afraid to say something. Because of FSB

< webcam expert of webcams that running millions of hours in heat and cold
thats a software failure !

its all just pretend.
they pretend to stop a nuclear war and use it to establish the new government
they probably aren't even aliens

show more evidence of it moving then


What is it software failure ? On live stream will cause that to move across the live stream ? I think they use HD so how will that work. Honestly some people saw it by the church but don't want to say anything. I don't know what to believe. They see the tic tac but don't want to say they saw it. One man said it came through the clouds don't say anything. Now I'm scared

I just took a MASSIVE horse shit wow

I just do screenshot I can't video the live stream, I went down there and asked a couple of people in the area. They are scared to say something. Someone else has to seen it also. All I have is that screenshot

Shit like this don't happen in Russia, Russians don't pretend.


so discuss some politics. well, I'm waiting.

This is political you nigger monkey, I want to know what the tic tac is doing in Moscow !!!!

They are cigar shaped, and it's just the Reich checking up on the zogs progress.

Attached: 358.jpg (600x600, 19.99K)

Why is this cowboy propaganda doing in Moscow Russia ? Are the cowboy going to attack ?

Incredible same faggotry

Fuck you Nazi you will be destroyed again

>what do these tic tac do ?
Surveillance drones

Look cowboy I know what I saw, and people on the ground saw it but don't want to talk because they are afraid.
If something happens in Moscow you will regret it

not the cowboys tovarisch

Attached: bogs.jpg (1416x2000, 460.24K)

You are spying on Russia cowboy ? Why don't you say out of Russia's dealings

Monkey find another place