Does anyone actually know

what ending the Fed would mean for the average American?

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what matters most is how you walk through the fire

Countries have minor differences:
Amount of taxation
Percentage of taxes that goes to public and social spend like education , healthcare and pensions
Who owns key industries such as energy companies, private or gov.
Who prints the money , gov or private banks.

It is obvious that private banks can't be trusted with money printing.
Oligarchy and monopolies are then guaranteed.

Ending private Fed will massively restart the economy as it will stop monopolies in key industries.


Nesara, probably

I feel like at this point, the Fed is the only thing keeping the wolves at bay and that if they were removed, the average American would get absolutely assraped by predatory foreign corporations.

I'm in California.
I'll be fine.

Good luck midwest.

Interesting, never heard of this, why was it never presented to congress?

I just don’t care

It would end the theft of wages via inflation

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>if they were removed, the average American would get absolutely assraped by predatory foreign corporations.

The average american is already assraped by predatory and monopolist foreign corporations.
Trillions of dollars have disappeared into offshore accounts.
Poke any large company - MS, Google, Facebook, Apple etc they all have offshore centers and billions of dollars siphoned there.

Pic related - largest companies and their offshore accounts, in billions.

Attached: US_companies_most_offshore_cash_in_billions.jpg (960x703, 114.87K)

freedom from kikery

Yes and I'd still be just fine. I don't care if other Americans suffer America has never done jack shit positive for me so fuck em and their debt. It would be interesting to see Americans suffer the consequences of their shitty decisions for just once in their lives.

But their transactions and business inputs are still denominated in dollars. I guess I’m just not understanding what would fill the void of a Federal Reserve that sets interest rate benchmarks and regulates monetary policies. Would it just be decentralized state run banks issuing out their own rates?

>See 1776-1913
Yeah im thinking everyone did just fine without the jew parasites desu

a few years of oh fuck followed by a collective sigh of relief.

Coal mining towns come to mind. They issued their own currency but exploited the fuck out of their miners with it.

this confuses and angers the FED

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will they not redeem this at a bank for silver?