Everyone who plotted white genocide needs to get lined up against a wall and shot

Everyone who plotted white genocide needs to get lined up against a wall and shot.

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The only people being genocided in 2022 are whites who have open borders against popular consent. Facilitated by an international clique of Money interests, Central banking, and Jewish spearheaded idealism

actually yeah
dont even need to go natsoc for that, only to hold western "leaders" to the same standards they judged undesirables with (and the rest of the populace along with it.)

ww2 style nuremberg trial for kikes and their niggers
we're supposed to be subject to the same laws, right?

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If whites just have sex with other whites there would be no genocide.

please go back stormfags

>needs to get lined up against a wall and shot.
skip the first step.
Just shoot them.

Biden’s Minecraft tips to replace whites:

y tho?
if they stay here theyll understand

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Doesn't matter, at the rate non whites are being imported as well as their birthrate alone will lead to white genocide. If white people stopped burning coal and oil drilling that would give us maybe 5-10 more years.


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What if we just sent them all back? Race mixers go with.

>5-10 more years.
rather 15-30
but great reset is coming before that
so at this point replacement is a diversion.

its like youre in a lab on fire, but the fire comes from a toxic explosion

both fire and toxins can and will kill you, but one is a more pressing matter than the other and you will die if you choose wrong.
like first grab a gas mask, then try to leave the building or suffocate before reaching the door of the room

all the people who write the articles publish their names with their work...

Cool down with the antisemitism user...

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Just make +5 children like you great grand parents...

That's even more of a reason to fight back or at the very least formulate a counter strategy , but most definitely men and women of European decent should be getting married and having Children, mass deportations of foreigners need to take place if both the Anglos and Europe were to survive, we're dealing with some sinister forces here.

Jewish central banking careful raises interest to be impossible to be autonomous or provide for many children, but not bad enough to collapse society.
Having a few kids doesn’t match millions being dumped in. That creates chaos and diluted multiculturalism

Why don’t you go back to khazaria. You’re on aryan land

Go back to Satan's ballsack kike.

You'll get a spot on a firing squad user don't you worry about that.

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As a firing squad member perhaps, I've done nothing wrong, I didn't promote open borders or multiculturalism.

all of this could've just went away if Aryans were allowed to have countries of they're own.

Why such immense hate? I bet y'all are nothing but small weak angry whiteguys crying in their rooms all day about races? Y'all should go outside and detox your mind for once, chronically online people!

I'm personally being targeted in a gangstalking campaign, my family members are covert narcissist clowns and gangstalking bots , so if I were to go out id just be followed around by perps trying to piss me off all fucking day.


id just go to a kickboxing gym and do a couple rounds of sparring, I'm not a little bitch like you are.