Where has 90% of the internet gone?

>open google
>do random search of anything “orange” for example
>observe total number of results “About xxx results”
>observe number of results per page
>calculate number of pages to view all results
>next page
>next page
>continue until you reach the end

where are the missing results?
what are the political implications of this

Attached: google.png (670x366, 50.54K)

Potempkin village internet theory is true, the internet is empty.

Memoryhole AI is extremely aggressive

Nowadays i only scan internet with masscan.

Attached: bing.png (380x291, 22.34K)

Google prunes unapproved results.

Everything is turning fake and gay online

Yeah the search results have been ridiculous. I've been doing searches for non wrongthink topics that used to have hundreds of results and now some of them only has 1-3 pages of search results.

Dead internet theory

See the hyperlink that says "repeat search with the omitted results included" ?
Try clicking that next time retard

It's not even wrongthink what is censored. You don't even stumble upon some random webpage anymore. It's only indexing on approved sites.

A large portion of the internet is just garbage sites full of text scoured from various sources using bots, so that it pops up in search results for people to click on it for whatever gain they get out of it. Ad revenue, I would guess.

90% of the internet, probably more, is completely worthless garbage that nobody ever really has any reason to interact with.

But i want their sweet ip addresses.

Fuck you.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-13 at 14-32-19 orange - Google Search.png (785x381, 47.7K)

Bullshit, around 2015 you could search for precise technical information, now they just throw up vague results like the top of an article on goypedia.

Indexing costs money. They are going to move toward the web3 model where you must pay to query. It was all a bait and switch the whole time, they get you hooked on the free service and then when times become dire enough to necessitate a change they make it cost money. Just watch.

Jewgle stopped allowing you to go past page 10 several years ago. Back in the day you could literally just keep going deeper down the rabbit hole until you found what you were looking for. Now if you don't find a magic keyword that sends your result to the top, it might as well not exist. This is by design of course. The top results will almost always be financially connected to Jewgle and their puppetmasters in some way.

Try orange -"LeBron James" to get pre pozzed results

Google is just an advertisement site. No matter what you search you get ads.
Doesn't do shit. Worst search engine out there, but they all suck.

screencapping this

kek impressive

Is there anything like the original Yahoo concept around where there are curated search groups?
That would actually be pretty useful now.
If you didn't like the curation you could make your own topic group.

Because thats not what the results mean you stupid homo. Number of results =|= number of links. It means that your keyword led to that number of relevant mentions or bridges between 2 or more links and google not only uses your keyword, it uses paraphrasing of it, antonyms, synonyms, conjugations, etc. The first results are those strictly related to your word and the further you go you find more insane variations. Usually all words just show 20 pages of links because the rest of the results are located INSIDE the first pages. For example one link can have the word POTATO 100 times and google will count it like 100 results, not just 1. Inside the potato link, there will be sublinks, buttons and bridges and those also count as results since google also reads the code names as results, of if the potato link has buttons named "potato_home" "potato_exit" "potato_email" google will also count them and add 3 more results to its list, thats why you get like 6 000 000 000 000 "results" of your keywords. The content is there but invisible hidden behind the coding of the website. Some information is hidden depending on the laws of your location like "how to murder someone with a potato" or "drug making out of potatoes" Faggot.
>t. Ex media manager for a medium sized company that had to deal a lot with shittt google ads services

Search results have become less and less useful over the past decade.
You try to look something up on how to do X or standart size of y and you just get ass blasted with shit they try to sell you.
Not just the paid ads but the search engine optimised shit.
If the information you are looking for isn't on wikipedia you really have to do some digging.

I don't think it's empty, a huge number is displayed to begin with
they are obviously still indexing much of the internet but choose to show only a small fraction

I imagine some still have access to the non-gimped version

such sass from an ignoramus

Kikes put a filter on it because they can't live in a world full of goys they don't control.

Attached: google filter explained.jpg (685x400, 81.62K)