Does he really have to take off his beanie on TV or else go to jail? What's even the point of humiliating him like that...

Does he really have to take off his beanie on TV or else go to jail? What's even the point of humiliating him like that. I mean what do the democrats even gain from it?

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Beanies look fucking nasty.

lol please let me watch liz chenny call him a terrorist and demand the removal of his radicalizing beanie

He should wear a clown wig fr fr


Rip Tomcast, rumour going around is that he will an hero on his next broadcast instead of comply. Don't do it (do it) you crazy bastard. No matter how cool it would be to watch you kill yourself it's not worth it (it is).

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Reminder that Tim Pool has FUCKED all of your political e-girl waifus.

Attached: 1657671766468.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

No one would fuck a bald manlet

post source, fag

Get a load of this equivocating faggot.

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let it be a lesson baldies
you either GROW UP, or someone WILL find a way to send you to court and you WILL remove any and all headwear

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But seriously though. Is there anyway for him to avoid showing his bald head? Like wearing a top hat or maybe a kippa?

He looks like a dweeb but the expression the he gives is gold.

he doesn't have a top half of his head it's all beanie

he looks fucking FINE without the beanie. sometimes you go bald, big deal.

imagine all your self confidence being in your fucking hair

what a faggot

He should wear a yarmulke. That would be make them all too terrified to ask him to remove it

Worships actors is sign of mental illness

He really doesn't look too bad. Just a tough break when you're young.

heh... personally, i won't even LISTEN to a Man, unless they have a Full Head of Long Luscious Golden Blond Curly Locks. I mean, like, are they even a MAN if they don't have Gorgeous Thick Hair that smells of Chestnut and blows in the Wind???

Why not shave your head and grow a bigger beard at that point? Or get a hair transplant.

Holy shit I just looked it up. Pool is 36 years old. Just let it go man, you go bald when you’re old.

Dude should unironically get a toupee. It’s actually be freeing.

No, he can wear a barrister wig.

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That'd be pretty based, especially if you larp maritime law or sovereign citizen shit.

>larp maritime law
I've always wanted to do that. How much do those wigs cost?

Could you fucking imagine? I would probably start watching Tim again if he unironically wore that and didn't draw attention to it.