this sign briefly went up in a New Jersey mall at the end of May, why are they pushing this all of a sudden?

Attached: 7073BC19-BC8B-4F04-8A26-ACF39981B8E0.jpg (500x1063, 442.81K)

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I'm triple vaxxed so I'll be fine.

>people starting to realize psychopathic pedophiles are ruling over them and robbing them blind
>start up a new cold war

Attached: nukesifdigits.gif (468x392, 1.95M)

>why are they pushing this all of a sudden
Because they (our government) are planning to get us into WWIII with Russia before our debt bomb explodes because they never intended to pay any of it back.

They would rather take us all down in flames rather than give up power.

Attached: WWIII not Civil War to protect the establishment.png (1158x1393, 199.17K)

Civil war it is then

keeping people scared.
it has been theorized before that the next narrative after covid will be something nuclear, like a nuclear incident or a nuke scare of something to make the cattle upgrade from covid masks to gas masks and decontaminator instead of sanitizer.
it's just a giant grift for (((boomers))) in the end.

Because they're going to FF nuke New Jersey, New York or both.

Things are bad. The Biden administration is going to nuke a US city & then blame Russia.

When this happens, grab your ankles & kiss you ass goodbye! 81 million people "voted" for this.

Attached: CCPcheersTheirBitchBiden.jpg (277x182, 8.85K)

Checked. God help us

real question: who still goes to a mall?

How the fuck do you watch TV after a nuke his your area

nobody's gone to a mall since this movie was out

thank goodness

This entire "war" is just an excuse countries will use to distract the citizens from the fact that they have royally been fucked in the ass for years.
On the one hand, the US has a crippling debt bubble that began decades ago but was sped up by Trumps decision to print 20% of all US in circulation in his last year which the US is just now beginning to see the effects of (you only begin to see the inflation effects of massively printing bills in such a short time 12 to 18 months after). This bubble is bound to burst at any moment.
On the other hand, Putin is dying a slow death due to his cancer and is worried he won't be remembered in the history books so he's trying to do anything and everything to be remembered (even if that means sending millions of innocent civilians to die for a useless war).
The only country that will come on top of this whole ordeal is most likely China, even though they also have lots of problems from within .

But you guise hate new joisey

Absolute brainlet take from a brainlet country.

We had the same hysteria during the Cold War. I remember my home room teacher would make us hide under our desks and we would drill that for 6 months straight. It was exhausting and made everyone nervous.

They’re going to do something which provokes Putin to nuke the eastern seaboard.

>its le Trump and Putlers fault
God I hate you people so much. I hope you cough your irradiated lungs up, and the last thing you think about is Trump, rent-free

It’s funny because if the nukes start flying than damn near every inch of NJ is turbofucked. Look at a nuclear strike target map, this state is covered in them.

Attached: 555A4A06-4F37-4088-BCFF-B105EE6909BF.jpg (870x865, 252.42K)

Kikes actually believe that they have to announce their plans.
So that when you fail to "object sufficiently", they can claim, "You allowed us to do this to you."

Attached: vampires_karmic_debt.jpg (1242x2036, 1.8M)

WW3 next year checkem


wtf man i justncame back this is bullshit!
pic related last night

Attached: 20220712_204718_HDR.jpg (4160x3120, 1.53M)

no filters

Attached: 20220712_204729_HDR.jpg (4160x3120, 1.84M)

Fearmongering to seek support for the Regime's money-laundering operation in Ukraine, obviously. Same kind of stunt they pulled to demand support in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Attached: 1647053814751.jpg (695x439, 36.19K)

Weird, first it was New York now New Jersey? Notice how it says radiation emergency and not nuke.
>why are they pushing this all of a sudden?
They don't need nukes, if you'll have a geiger counter something else will trip the meter off. I think they're going to max out the towers and make them all in the THz range. Me and my gf noticed an area with 4 5G towers in one spot last night, imagine the frequencies that they can put out.

Attached: 5GisIonizingRadiation.png (3596x1000, 2.15M)

finally I've been waiting decades

bad bot

Imagine being such a DT dick rider that you can't analyze the whole mess from an objective point of view without blindly defending your idol DT. Are you people that retarded that you will stand by DT even when he fucks up? How far deep has he shoved his dick up your asses? Both DT and JB are complete fuck ups, if you fail to realize that you're a lost cause.

Scaring people before elections

>after an EMP fucks every electrical item and radio within 1000 square miles
Oh usa, you kek us long time!

asymptomatic nuclear war, retard. Stay home, watch the telly, dont question too much. Dont you trust the experts?