Why do feminists think guys raping women is about "power"? Isn't it just about guys wanting to fuck?

Why do feminists think guys raping women is about "power"? Isn't it just about guys wanting to fuck?

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If men had power they wouldn't need to rape, they'd come to them

Why do some men only jerk off to rape porn then? It’s not just about the sex

What a dumb money addicted muslin. It's about control.

lul wut

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No, no, no. Rape isn't just forced sex against her will, it's forced sex against her will PLUS INSTITUTIONAL POWER.

Incels have no institutional power, and this is why incels cannot commit rape.


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>get a load of this Arab/Russian rape baby

>Why do feminists think guys raping women is about "power"? Isn't it just about guys wanting to fuck?
It's projection.
Feminism isn't about women, it's about power.

Feminism is something men wield against other men. If feminism didn't allow the more dominant men to browbeat and demoralize less dominant men, feminism would not be tolerated in our society. This is a huge part of why feminist women are so depressed and unhinged. They think they are participating in something that is meant to empower them, when really they are just participating in one of the many games men play to gain an advantage over other men. If the douchebag can make the nice guy think he needs to walk on eggshells to avoid hurting the girl he likes, the nice guy appears less confident and thus attractive in comparison, and the douchebag wins. That is what feminism is actually for, and the cognitive dissonance that ensues when you don't view it this way, but instead try to take feminism at face value, is what drives them all crazy.

Feminism is even anti women. For example the meme of women being held to "unrealistic standards" is meant to make women more easily exploitable by douchebags. It goes something like this. You convince women that men hold them to unrealistic standards. This makes them insecure. You tell men that approaching women makes them creeps. This makes men not approach women, and women not being approached makes them feel like they are being held to unrealistic standards. These insecure women then start seeking validation, and this makes them fish in a barrel for douchebags trying to pump-n-dump. Everything about feminism is like this and it's why the stereotypes about male feminists etc exist.

rape is bad cause femmods are goving it away for free this isnhownthis roastie cope with it
>he didnt take it from me free of charge
>i actually gave it to him
lmao the absolute state of vaginas

why not play along and then kill the dude
I swear these chicks wanna get fucked

if someone was trying to fuck me and my first idea was to play along I would find an opp to kill the person.

>Women are stupid

Sometimes rape is about power, but it's not about power over women. For example a conquering army might rape conquered women, and this has an element of power about it, but it's about power over the conquered men, not over the women. It's about saying
>We're fucking your women and you can't do shit
It's only a demonstration of power between the soldiers and the conquered men. Between the soldiers and the conquered women it's just about sex. They don't care about making the women feel powerless because they don't care what women think.

I was thinking about teachers fucking kids. Why do reasonably hot 20 something women fuck their kids? I think its about them getting power in the relationship for a change since every other man has taken charge,

So women blame power because they are projecting its what they understand.

Some men have both TB AND hepatitis and want to infect you to stop you from getting a visa
Those are the pieces of garbage that make up antifa

They are just admitting that they have 100% agency, and thus 100% power. And when you have the power you will try everything not to lose it.

Ye its about hurting other men from other races and other religions and whatever. Its stoopis uncool behaviour that will jusf karmically backfire

You are right.
That's why I usually say they Islam wasn't right about woman, Islam was right about man.

Because they are weak and they don't want to accept that, hence all the twisted loopy loop logic about power and control.

Godless men are trash

Is this one of the creatures from the new Silent Hill?

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The town in WV that Silent Hill was based on is creepy as hell fwiw

Nigger, please...

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men are able to rape because they have the power to do it

These are the mental gymnastics whores have to make to reconcile the conflict between rape being socially abhorrent and the fact that they secretly desire it.

It’s because they are the weaker sex and have conscious and unconscious submission complexes that manifest themselves in feminist theory. Hence rape being a power game.

It’s all contrary to 90% of rape, which is rooted less in power than in lust. Sexual frustration and desire solved violently. But women do not adequately comprehend male sexuality and instinct, and cannot understand it this way. That it’s in some ways like masturbation plus violence.

It’s why rape and prostitution are more common in more repressed societies. Where there isn’t a hand, there is force and whores.

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>Isn't it just about guys wanting to fuck?
Exactly, it's about guy power. Overpowering women against their will to fullfill their selfish need = power.