Holy moly Spain is cooking

Holy moly Spain is cooking.
Are you ok Spain?

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pretty normal for them

No, everything is shit in fact.


I don't believe this, you're supposed to measure in the shade. Fucking brainwashed climate niggercattle and their fearmongering

28c in SE England, struggling to breathe

rookie numbers, it's been hotter here since February.
t. Delhi

No. This is hell, literally

What the fuck does it actually reach over 50C in Spain?

Horrible. Yesterday the night minimum 24. All the weeck Will be the same. Max over 40, but nights are terrible too.
Once week ago It was less than 19 every night and it was great. Now is terrible


do the earth.

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>10-15% humidity
calm down, dry 40 is nicer than humid 25

I have endured worse.

Idk I’m using Gismeteo temperature map.
This made me even google “spain heatwave”.
Oh those poor people I think I would die

That country has mountains and valleys and ,it depends a lot of where,to have high humidity or los. I cant stand it. I could days being hot if nights being colder than 19 wich tienda tl be normal. But those tropical nights suck a lot

>it's been hotter here since February.
>t. Delhi
The stench must be unbearable

42 here

soft cock.

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Take a cold shower, then sleep in the floor naked... Solved

do you have water? here is the worst drought ever.

Kek im posting naked,no homo. Las persianas bajadas. I played the ac for an hour but its expensive. Inside where i live the termostato says 28,3 but i dont really trust that numbers. It feels way more hot

Yes, I'm having an ice cream
How bout u?

Yeah,thans to Franco unnironically, who made lots of artificial lakes to dont lose rain water. But yeah there is a drough here too,those lakes use to be at 50% at July and now are around 20%

hopefully the heat, and coming winter plus the inevitable economic collapse will be enough to scare away all the shitskins and coloured demons. You have to be iron and outlast all the mud-kins

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I think they are used to heat,i prefer the cold winter option kek

kek here the same. we never used to have artificial lakes in north italy but we'll have to in the future

Yes. I live in Northern Spain so I can finally go to the beach.

I am tired of this fucking heat!!!!! I am sweating like a pig. Ahhhhbbb

this map doesn't even make sense
how the fuck is the coast line area of each country the warmest place of the land? It doesn't check out at all. Wind currents from the sea and Atlantic should be cooling off the coasts by orders of magnitude. This map is quite probably falsified. The only reason I eliminate weather control to manufacture heat at the shore lines is because they don't have the logistical capacity to do it in the Mediterranean yet.
Any other place in oceanic regions surely, but in a sea? I don't believe they're quite there yet tech wise.

Kek it won't scare them. You know why? Because it will much much worse in their countries. Africa is literally going to starve to death kek. So eurohomos should be prepared for the next billion shitskins.

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our weather is becoming more and more nigger-tier
perhaps to adjust with our changing demographics

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