The Great Filter

Are you AWARE that right now the United States is the only thing that separates us all from literally being a Chinese or Russian colony and that neither Russia nor China has dared to "demilitarize" us?

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Nobody cares about your shithole continent. You're not relevant

Ngl you're right

I rather be a Chinese or Russian colony at this point

You are right, I am not relevant but the effect of the United States is and it is the reason why your president is a coward because he has not yet taken Kyiv and has not dared to challenge NATO

Did you get vaxxed? I heard your country was the hardest hit with all the control

do you understand that even if nuclear war occurs your continent will not be touched? You're that much irrelevant.

We feed 2 billion people

seems like a plus, fyodoranon. I don't want to die in nuclear hell-fire and i do not wish the same for my russo-user shitposting brothers. We are all about to erased by people who rub-shoulders and elbows with the worst of the jew-demons.

If you still have faith, Fyodoranon, please pray for us all.

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Wtf have you niggers done? What makes you so relevant, aside from constantly telling the planet you're gonna nuke the world?

i would prefer rather than globohomo fake democracy which ruined the world.. i leave the wef to you

I hope you all will be safe.
I'm thinking about going to the Island Samosir of the lake Toba. This lake is located in the middle of Indonesian Island Sumatra. Island Samosir have Lutheran church. I will be in church.

they brought most of the eastern world to its knees on numerous occasions. It's clear who the masters in the east are and to deny them that is ridiculous. I rather a white man rules the eastern world than yellow niggers or poos.

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nobody cares about you. you still dont have venezuela and a path through brazil . all that work and nothing to show but a series of mass graves in chile filled with south africans and people from zimbabwe

go on start a fight i will laugh when you loose another sub then they call you on the mass graves. yea your there with flame throwers when trump got elected this just happened. lets make this really nasty. i recall food being handed over for a short time to stem the flow of africans into argentina. they would walk in from brazil. you later would say no more food. yes more food may be the answer you give still later

>do you understand that even if nuclear war occurs your continent will not be touched?

It is not NATO that spends its time barking like a cowardly dog threatening nuclear war and then doing nothing, it is its president

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Godspeed brother, i pray nothing else comes from this but if it does, i'm glad at least one of us will survive to continue the shitposting.

I never said you had to give me importance, idiot

I said that the existence and presence of the United States prevents China and Russia from controlling absolutely everything around you, "demilitarizing" you or living under a system that has never worked other than to enrich bureaucrats

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its your president*

So we should just let NATO subvert all countries around us?
Picrelated is a Sarmat, super-heavy hypersonic intercontinental ballistic thermonuclear missile of fifth genesis. And we're starting mass production.

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highest AIDS rate in the world, highest fly incidents in the world one of the highest dead rate in europe and the lowest birth rate while also being one of the mainly migrants taker especialy muslims while the president orders citizens to not be racist and be okay with being replaced, yeah a white man rule completely, fool.

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>So we should just let NATO subvert all countries around us?

>He believes that the fact that a country exercises its right as an independent and sovereign country is to subvert and therefore it must be invaded

This is the difference between living in a world with the United States and one without the United States: without the United States, you Russians would be rabid dogs that do not respect rules or the legitimate right of a country to govern itself

Everything that comes out of you and your president are pure excuses that 5 year olds would use, that is the reason the United States exists: to put a chain on mad dogs like you and your president

All of you Russians and Slavs are the most disgusting and grotesque race that I have ever met along with the Chinese race. you have no soul

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