Why the FUCK is working today so stressful...

Why the FUCK is working today so stressful? Our employers squeeze every last drop of time and productivity out of us with no end in sight. Im currently doing the work of about 3 people and i want to kill myself. Boomers didnt have to do this shit, they worked so fucking little im sure. Imaging working in an office with no internet no women no computers. The stress levels would be nonexistent. Modern waging is straight up slavery

Ive gotten 146 emails in the past 24 hours. These come in at all hours of the night and morning. These fucking roasties work till 3-4 am and wont shut the fuck up. Everything is URGENT DO NOW. Like bitch i DONT HAVE THE FUCKING TIME TO DO THIS SHIT FUCK OFF. Im unironically about to kill myself.

These roasties joke about how they have no free time and havent thrown their kids a birthday party in years and they find it funny??? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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just stop working and become a leech to the state

>locks your cocky in a chastity cage
>uses anal pleasure to make you cum in the cage
>you love it
will this help relieve the stress, user?

If you accept to work in an office you deserve to suffer. Avoid every jobs where you have to interaxt with womens especialy if they are your superior this is the most cucked thing ever in the whole history of mankind.

>These fucking roasties work till 3-4 am and wont shut the fuck up
lol I had women like that on my team.. working until 2AM and sending emails to show how dedicated they are. Have to love women and their submission to the corporate world and their corporate kings.

what's your job?

I do financial paper pushing for the feds. It was supposed to be a joke of a job but its turned out to be hell on earth

>Be groundskeeper for apartments
>Full benefits, 401(k) all that stuff, $20/hr
>Mostly just ride around in a golf cart and fuck around all day
Yeah, I'm not stressed.

Dunno im turning 25 and got out of uni 3 years ago. Longest i held a job down was 10 months, cold call sales gig in my city. 30k base pay 10 hour days of nonstop calling. I nearly killed myself. Constant rejection wasn't good for me, even though it was an important lesson.
I got pretty good at it, made some decent money in commission. But I never want to work like that again. I am currently in month 3 of jobless and am Uber eats driving for rent while learning NET+ A+ and CNNA for Cisco. If the jew slave pits of our economy are only escapable via WFH and IT/coding then that is what I must learn.
Also I will never work for a jew again. My team lead was a Jew and I witnessed his schizophrenic betrayals and fear guilt pressuring daily.

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Not my problem didn't read.

I will get a 8-9k payout from my retirement and leave if i quit so im probably gonna collect another check and dip right before the end of the FY when they absolutely need me. May use the entirety of my sick leave first too. The worst part is the “researchers” were supporting spend 100s of millions studying DIRT. These parasites fly all over the world (one team just spent $78k flying to tanzania to collect buckets of dirt) and dont do SHIT! Its so demoralizing. They all make $100+ an hour too while i get peanuts

I had a friend who did that.. he had a maintenance worker friend there that had the right to go into apartments when the tenant was not there to fix things. He always told me he found crusty dildos and other shit like in the women's apartments

remember you do this shit until you reach 70 (thanks to the fucked up demographics there will be virtually no such thing as retirement)
the modern economy is a giant ponzi scheme where the early players who accumulated enough money make the same amount of income as yours while doing nothing by buying up dividend stocks and speculative bonds at a lower price in the past.

That sounds comfy as fuck ngl. I may try and get a low stress job like that. I imagine working at a golf course or something similar could be relaxing. Would be nice to spend the days outside

This shit aint bussin bro

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Look OP, you're going to get shit from these unemployable degenerates because you want to do more with your life than sit on your ass and shitpost all day while stuffing your face. But fuck them. Having a job you like is fun.

It's time to find a new job but you need to set some rules. You need to stop responding to emails past 5-6 PM and make it clear that you're not going to do shit after work hours. I put my phone on DND after a certain point so I don't get bothered by notifications no matter when emails come through.

Just hang in there and start applying on nights and weekends. Eventually you'll free yourself. And hell, if they can you, you can claim unemployment for a little bit while you find a job you actually like.

also you will be lucky not to get fired in next decades to come
you literally beg jews for a chance to be a slave and that would still not be enough in the future

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>just hang in there bro
>just get another job bro

I appreciate the sentiment but ive had numerous jobs and theyre all pozzed roastie filled shitholes. It doesnt get better. Im going to have to take a massive paycut and work an irl job. At least ill feel good about myself at the end of the day knowing ive actually done something

>You WILL sit in the cubicle to support the autistic dirt studier.

>Why the FUCK is working today so stressful?
It’s not. I work from home 9-5 and turn off my computer after work. I’m not expected to respond to anything outside of working hours. This is for a large, privately-owned tech company in Silicon Valley.

Lol its 11am and I am taking the deposit to the bank then meeting up with a friend to go tubing.

My old man was doing general maintenance for a local museum for a few years, he classified his position as "some time", more hours than part time but not enough for full time because they didn't want to pay him benefits. Because he lived closest to the museum they'd call/text him all hours of the day and night when he wasn't on location to do shit.

10:30PM on a friday night even though he's already 6 drinks in and ready to pass out? Nah, you need to be here call someone to fix the HVAC now. All because the jew lib broad director who took over didn't want to pay the full time maintenance guy because he lived over an hour out and they'd have to pay him travel time.

Yet we see shit like the twitter pajeet in the veritas video making 250k/yr only working for 5 hours a week. The standards and expectations for white men aren't the same anymore. But we're supposed to find acceptance in working 2 non-union labor jobs to not even make ends meet because we're priced out by illegal beaners. Shit's fucked.

>Why the FUCK is working today so stressful?
Its simple. Because (((rich people))) get richer every day through their investments. That means a small percentage of the worlds population gets to enjoy a big portion of services and goods that are being created every day by people like you, while you only get to keep the leftovers.

The reason you need to work a lot harder than your grand dad is because wealth becomes more unevenly distributed over time.

>inb4 kys communist
I'm a right wing fascist and hate commies

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kinda this desu. I am not a commie as well but more like reasonable philosopher (yes polish philosopher).

Just ignore it. Work 9-5 with an hour lunch break. If they complain, ignore it. They are taking advantage of the fact that you are not a psychopath and therefore don’t like ignoring direct requests. But they won’t fire you.

my sister works at a nursing home. its the easiest shit ever. she just sits around and is on her phone all the time, and steals from demented boomers. if you do it as a guy, youll be surrounded by female coworkers who will lust for your cock and balls since there are no other mating-age males around. you get free food in a lot of these places too.

Yeah basically this in all honesty. It's like dealing with the cops. The cops exploit the good nature normal people usually have to their own ends. Don't let them in or search your property without a warrant, if they arrest you say fuck all without a lawyer present. Etc, etc, etc. Because they 'can and will' use your good nature against you.

Same with cunts in business, from middle management and up, use and abuse peoples predisposition to not say no.

but don't women usually look down on guys who work the same job as they do?
i can't imagine introducing myself to a girl that i'm unironically a caretaker
being a male nurse is embarassing enough

Not a commie. Also agree. We are out there. The narratives are changing. Back when an honest 35 hour work week could get you a nice house and car and support a family, it was based to say “work harder bro and you’ll achieve”. The best most basest thing you can do at this point is leech off some company, union or the government. Especially as a white man. We are expected to do all the work around here.

Only reason I even bothered staying at my last job was because I had the hots for the boss's ex-wife.

I do need a job where qts work there too. Nursing home sounds like shit tho

Watching it from the outside as a subcontractor, the hilarious part is, middle and upper management lives and breathes overtime crunch culture as well. You'd think fat bastards running things in top hats would push most of the work down to their minions, but no, they sit in office 7:00-22:00 and weekends.
>durrr muh important client
>I gotta set an Examplerinio!
>If not ME then WHO?
Goddamn retards your life is evaporating in front of your eyes. And don't tell me auditing finances is your passion, fuck off.

Sounds like you need to stop applying to the same kind of jobs, friend-o. Gov't jobs will always attract roasties because they require the bare minimum intelligence and they provide the best benefits. Private sector won't have those exact issues but will have their own set of problems. Any route you go is going to have its own share of problems but at least you won't be THIS level of miserable.

Also FWIW don't even think about killing yourself over this fucking worthless job because your position will be posted on job boards 6 hours later. Fuck them. Quit before you off yourself.

> Goddamn retards your life is evaporating in front of your eyes. And don't tell me auditing finances is your passion, fuck off.
Well said. I had this realization at one point and that’s when everything changed. I’m completely stress free now. And best thing is: they aren’t gonna fucking fire me!

I know too many dudes who followed that logic until they became full on nurses and learned the hard way when their new bumps started to show up regularly on their dicks. Female nurses these days are retards, former strippers or crazier than the average broad. All of which are roasties with at least one VD.

Find a new job, retard.

I'm an apprentice electrician in a factory and I am always dirty by the end of they day, showers are taken everday. I'm planning to eventually go to college to get an engineering degree, but honestly, a job like a janitor at a school doesn't sound so bad at all

I'm pajeet I live to work I would kms if I let a woman out work me. It's not slavery if you enjoy it. Think of it as experience rather than a task.

Go kill yourself you shitskin animal

Okay but how could this take even be considered a communist view point? Those people are retareded.

My buddy is a nurse practitioner and according to him the younger doctors just pass around all the nurses. They're all major whores who cheat on their boyfriends and husbands.

Thank fuck I learned this before getting involved with a girl in that industry.

>Our employers
if you have one of these you will never make any money

>Like bitch i DONT HAVE THE FUCKING TIME TO DO THIS SHIT FUCK OFF. Im unironically about to kill myself.
holy shit this is funny. Women are the kikes of gender.
I love you OP