We exist, therefore, you seethe

We exist, therefore, you seethe

Attached: Flag_of_Greece.svg.png (2560x1707, 5.34K)

pay debt, grease

pay up yiorgos

send more money for dem med programs whiteboi

You're no Poland if it comes to your existence being a reason to seethe

ok but seriously, you WILL pay it back someday RIGHT??

you exist therefore your women are property of AVSTRIAN BVLLS

Attached: Greekqt seeing AVSTRIAN BVLL.png (369x1342, 1.06M)

imagine paying debts instead of just taking free money

looks retarded

Don't pay up Greekbro, they saddled you with a debt you are unable to pay so as not to fuck up their globohomo agenda, you can still fuck it up if you don't pay.
If you wait long enough, with inflation the way it is, you be able to pay it off with a box of fish anyway.

>Doesn't even have his own language
Opinion discarded.

we do, actually.

(You)r country is the bum on Europe's couch you fucking leeches.

Attached: never paying it.jpg (960x747, 138.02K)

Pay up

indebted europoor

I had a bunch of wog mates as a kid, you're alright with me.
Fuck em, give nothing back.

Not really no i like greece

most people do, or are indifferent
don't know what OP is on about

I plan on studying at the Balkans University at Athens for a bachelor in Tourist Scamming. Any suggestions before I apply?

4th thread in 1h

man your on a roll today

find a job

Greeks are based. Good on you Greece.

Greeks spent over 500 billion $ on military equipment after the Cyprus invasion. There was a time in the 1980's when Greece was spending 15% of GDP on military. Greek families have the lowest household debt in Europe and 60% home-ownership rate, one of highest in Europe. The debt is from government military spending.

Attached: GreekUSbases.jpg (1280x1553, 532.08K)

Greece employs three times as many government workers as Florida

and you don't do jack shit at those jobs

just leeching off the goverment

Fucking slav retard. The reason is that Greece requires public workers on all the inhabited islands. Greece has over 1,000+ inhabited islands. You dumb fucking slav . . I'll give you some slack though, you are a landlocked nation, you wouldn't understand.

Attached: GreekEEZ.png (1222x768, 1.43M)

Why seethe? I am grateful, Greece started everything.

That debt is a ripoff, and should be retired. Greece would be foolish to repay such an obvious scam.

They invented homosexuality

>They invented homosexuality

Attached: Mexican.jpg (1800x1200, 201.32K)

>requires public workers on all the inhabited islands
how many per island? what do they do? what are their salaries? the fuck do they do of season, collect olives and sell them to Spain so they can make better oil then you shitskins?

IT really is. A lot of the debt is from the 1800's and early 1900's. Greece went into heavy debt during that time to fund the Balkan Wars and World Wars.

20 years after WW2 all the worldwide kikes pressured Greece into publicly signing an agreement that gave away any right to reperations from the Germs. Germs owed Greece around 1-2 Trillion $ for WW2.