/ptg/ President Trump General || Hyper-Bidenflation Editon

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT

>Pres Trump Save America Rally in Anchorage AK 7/9/22
rumble.com/v1bmutr (Official)
rumble.com/v1bpcdp (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Remarks on America First Policies in Las Vegas NV 7/8/22
rumble.com/v1bb3t5 (Official)
rumble.com/v1blhsr (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Save America Rally in Mendon IL 6/25/22
rumble.com/v19jim1 (Official)
rumble.com/v19xkar (RSBN)
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16
>NEVER COME DOWN (10hr ver) 8/11/16

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>mfw when its awoovement

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Retirees are having to downgrade their living expectations because the government uses purposeful shell-game errors in the consumer price index to actually debase their debt while also eliminating the impossibly sized 30 year debt obligations to everyone with a pulse.

It's the exact same thing that happened to Rome, the USSR, Weimar, and Venezuela and now the Jews are back on the horn for re-pegging the dollar back to gold or some real asset or some shit. What the Jew doesn't tell you is that he's going to rebase the currency with properties that isn't owned by the government. Thus repeating why their race is associated with chronic exile. What they're doing is on purpose and intentional and with malice and forethought.

The plus side to all your savings going up into a puff of smoke is your salary is about to increase by 2 orders of magnitude, and all your debts are about to go away since money falls like mana from jewish heaven.


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that white countries are shit today doesn't mean I can't enjoy the historical places in them

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You know what this means?

Putin's Price Hike is getting worse.
Biden's economic plan is working.
We need to give more money to Ukraine.
The January 6 hearings must continue.
The Ultra MAGA GOP is an ongoing threat to democracy.

Attached: Inflation surges to 9.1% in June 2022.jpg (879x1504, 710.75K)

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We should focus our memetics for 2024. I can feel hillary running against trump just to get absolutely destroyed.

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Gotta say I just think I bake better!

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>“Dan Cox is doing a great job running for Governor of Maryland. He will bring dignity back to a State that is much more “red” than anyone would ever know or believe. Dan will fight for our schools, our jobs, and our entire way of life. More importantly, Dan will end Larry Hogan’s terrible RINO reign by defeating his “Never Trump” successor, another low-energy RINO, Kelly Schulz. Early Voting is underway and Election Day is July 19. Dan will do an amazing job restoring FREEDOM to a shutdown Maryland. Hogan is one of the worst in the Country, governed more like a Democrat than a Republican, cheated with South Korea on the Covid tests, and locked everything up with really bad results. Dan Cox is a terrific guy with a beautiful family. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

>The plus side to all your savings going up into a puff of smoke is your salary is about to increase by 2 orders of magnitude, and all your debts are about to go away since money falls like mana from jewish heaven.
Jokes on them, I dont have a savings, just an ever growing collection of guns and ammo

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They just don't want that number over 10.

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>inflation but wages don't rise
I don't think they know what that word means

It's most likely closer to 20%

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>I swear, I'm going for culture
>goes to all the fag bath houses and gay scenes
>gets monkepox

>just an ever growing collection of guns and ammo
this but for sega saturn games in uncracked boxes

>lincoln project faggots market themselves as conservatives
>all they do is brainstorm ways that dems can come out on top

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still the best "attack ad" endorsement ever made
his opponent, kelly schulz, has radio attack ads that say about Cox "go ahead, throw your vote away"

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>he reads the OP

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oops forgot the ad

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it time for us americans to move on and accept that it already over. we cannot ever make america great because we have too many nigger, but why we never blame them? every problem, we always all say china this china that. we should accept our rightful place as a lesser country

Anything with double digits will look really bad, so they pulled another fake number out of their asses and kept it in the single digits.

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you just reminded me 95% of all faggot pox cases are in white countries

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don't forget their little tikitorch stunt in VA
they're as blue as they come

>he thinks I can read

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Which Incumbant governor is expected to lose in an upcoming primary? I saw mention of it but no name or state.


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I could tell chink hands typed this before it even mentioned china

Don't be too obvious about it but keep them at the ready and you'll be named as the savior of the first world against the orc proto-races, in the new new testament scripture books that replace the old old testament scripture berks.

That time people got mad enough and just told their government to fuck off with your divine right shit, and go get a real fucking job hauling shit to market. Go back to the Levant with your treasury stealing Judeo-Arabic and Judeo-Islamic cultures.

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>I love that webm of these cunts doing the same in some mudshit meeting and getting beaten to the inch of their lives. That was fun.
There was a very well known story about a sufi Mansur Al-Hallaj, after having reached the "pinnacle of spiritual realization" went out screaming "“Ana al-Haqq!” and was decapitated by mudslime authorities ("I am the Truth!") because "al-Hagg" isn't only an abstract way of saying "Truth" in the general sense, it's one of the 99 names of "God" printed in the Qur'an so what he was trying to say was equivalent to what that woman has written in her body.
Then mudslime authorities went and made a caveat for sufis when they were on "mystic raptures" in order for them not to be killed as well.

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Or to buy shit weed in a gay bar in Amsterdam. Also, the Euros is a mistake. Return to glorious GULDEN.

Is that 9.1 including housing or not?

Allegedly Ducey is facing some stiff competition but idk what the numbers show

Checked and carrot cake pilled.

>*reverse searches*
my poor, orbital sides

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He's term limited.
Whitmer in Michigan and Evers in Wisconsin I think.

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because "al-Haqq"*

based tomboy enjoyer leaf.

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Price increases over last year (CPI report)...
Fuel Oil: +98.5%
Gasoline: +59.9%
Gas Utilities: +38.4%
Electricity: +13.7%
Food at home: +12.2%
New Cars: +11.4%
Overall CPI: +9.1%
Transportation: +8.8%
Food away from home: 7.7%
Used Cars: +7.1%
Shelter: +5.6%
Apparel: +5.2%

clifford was comedy kino

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>Shelter: +5.6%
lmao theyre so full of shit

If you get a chance to put words on global mass media put the words: "Jewish financial terrorists" into a gramatically correct sentence.

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China is a single nation
which is why mixed-race groups with their own languages exist that are named after ancient Vietnamese tribes and live in the same areas as those ancient tribes


Reminder that Chinese racial theory holds that anyone with male Chinese ancestors through their father is a Chinese person, regardless of whether they're a fucking nigger.

Chinks are basically reverse-kikes, except Greater Israel isn't a thing yet so most of the crypto jews aren't out and proud.

china has never won a war
china will never win a war
china got butffucked for centuries to the point no legitimate chinese people exist
fu manchu and his boys raped what was left of the mongol rape babies
china cant recreate us tech
china is a propaganda machine
china sacrifices 1000s of workers a day to the god of industry
china rivers run neon colors filled with heavy metals
china cries any time anyone says anything against them
chinese people are weak bugmen with cloth armor that would be gunned down by drones in an instant
chinese people lungs are perforated by lead and other heavy metals
chinese people do not have a soul
chinese people are aberrated rape babies that dont understand basic common sense
china makes shit products
china is THE paper tiger

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really trying for that 3 trillion they couldn't have

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checked never fuck with cats nor uncucked men.
i swear to God if some someone ever tried to sexually assault my tomboy gf i would break them with my bare hands. Thank God tomboy gfs make you get in shape.

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So I dont normally participate in Tucc Time but I did see this
It was really nice to see the thing I've been watching unfold here in real time for 2 years actually get talked about like I wasnt just going crazy an imagining it
I am a little disappointed that he did point out that our involvement in Ukraine is for the exact same reasons
also funny that he called out the jannies

amsterdam actually sounds like a really nice place I would love to visit

just fucking die already holy shit

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I didn’t know that, the woman seems decent but after the 2020 debacle I switched to independent so I’ll only be able to vote in the general
Not happy the kikes are keeping mailed ballots

wait he`s still alive?????
i don`t believe it.
thats an AI fake.


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Tucker is often a continuation/amalgamation of the conversations of the day here


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This is why if we help we should send our own troops and never share without them being a part of the mission. Or not get involved at all. In Ukraine's case, the latter.

Of course a cultureless pleb like you would say that.

the link if anyone wants it


>zoidberg noises

dont worry
more is on the way

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Did I miss something, bros? Was there ANOTHER fucking leak after thr iPhone/iCloud one? When did this happen?

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Consigning yourself to the primary ghetto isn't helpful to anyone user. It's a two party system, and it has been the same ones since like 1850. I mean if nothing else register for a party during the primaries so you maybe pick someone with a chance in the general.

>mudshits in France and Germany will get military grade weapons

pablo needs to get away from fanning el chanko's balls for a few days.
can you blame him?

Ducey is term limited though. Kari Lake is going to win his seat.
Maryland is open
Arizona is open
Vermont is open
Michigan is incumbant safe
Alaska is incumbant safe
Iowa is incumbant safe
Florida is incumbant safe
MN is open
Hawaii is open
MA is open
Wyoming is open
New Mexico?

don't worry mutt
one day you will realize having a costume party in halloween isn't culture


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Whitmer and Evers will win their primaries and lose their generals

Diversity requires borders, and communism is a threat to all humanity only surpassed by transhumanism. We will restore the natural order ensuring feminine trads and tomboys exist to raise proper men and women. Building strong muscle to become a man worthy of one.

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american made, military grade weapons.

Wtf is this

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typical day in china

>mfw 9.1% joeflation

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gas prices are already crawling back up