What happens when the left starts arming itself?

What happens when the left starts arming itself?

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Dramatic increase of tranny suicide rate.

They get shot as enemy combatants.

They’ll shoot pregnant women in the abdomen

They begin shooting themselves

See the glow in the nigger room?

yeah, all the above. given the larp-centric nature i'd assume a rise in fatalities due to roleplay gone wrong while wielding, dual wielding, spins, shit like that.

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Good. It will be more sporting if they have guns.

Massive increase in suicide and crime rates

Lol, he looks terrified.

Just like niggers they will kill each other mostly

demoncrats won't allow them

Kek at the fear in his eyes

They might wake up

At least Vaush has decent trigger discipline. For most of them it will be a shitshow

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aww beat me to it

They use their hipoints to dilate their axe wounds


First thing: they'll storm the hospitals, remove all babies from incubators, and football spike them to death on the cold floor while doing this

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Then we can stand together against the 1% and kick alphabet agencies to the curb.

self inflicted gunshot wounds. did you sleep through 2020?

>What happens when the left starts arming itself?
Generally speakling, they are about to start robbing and killing people again. But since the majority of felony convicitions are held by people on the left, it's easy to just report illegal guns in their houses and let the police determine who can and can have a gun. Most of the left are on SSRI and other mood/depression type drugs. Just call them in on the Red Flag laws and let the authorities sort it all out.

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Just because someone has a gun doesn't mean they know how to use it. Just look at most gang members most of them can't hit crap because they don't practice. Why do you think it takes 300 rounds for them to kill like 3 people. It's going to be the same thing for the commies. I ain't worried.

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if only they'd taken their Covid vaccines

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two thirds of gun death in America is unironically suicide, as other's said, a massive spike in fatal self inflicted gunshot wounds.

The left actually puts action behind their words, so, a lot as a matter of fact.

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Urban people don't even have places to practice shooting. I can shoot in my backyard whenever I want. I can hit a man sized target at 100 yards with a Glock so easily it's boring.

According the Ukraine numbers Out of 7000 + foreign combatants only 2000+ survived. The rest is trying to flee the country but can't.

>What happens when the left starts arming itself?
Purges based on ideological purity or lack thereof.

It's happened before, and generally they end up shooting each other.
Never let a leftist hold gun, it'll become another leftist's reason to fight for gun control.

free ammo pick ups

We use the red flag laws against them obviously...

They will kill each other, remember user, the left hate "traitors" more than their enemies and they are eating their own tail for a while now.

Nothing because they never will, and they never will for the right reasons.

IE, Vaush as pictured believes in gun ownership but has no fucking concept of how a conflict works. He brings up the usual shit of tanks, jets, and nukes, yet forgets that those things didn't win Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and almost certainly will not work in the US or Europe.

Why is this? Because to leftists, discipline, training, history, preparedness, etc don't matter. None of these things appeal to the urbanite fags that vote lefty.

Leftists will never take a weapons training course. They will never buy a plate carrier. They will never be interested in anything that isn't russian or chinese and thusly will suffer because it's fucking russian and chinese.

The only thing that happens when the left arms themselves is that it expands the weapon market and makes taking guns harder. So please, buy guns lefty. Because the right would love to having its turn with the useful idiot on the spectrum.

But if any of you lefties think you'll have your commie revolution... Maybe you ought to get some plates nigger.

Then we will be that much more justified when we exterminate them. What don’t you understand about this?

based I hope they Livestream it on Facebook

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Then we party

They'll start wasting themselves and each other at the slightest offense due to ever increasing mental illness.

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Actual domestic terrorism.

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someone should red flag law that faggot. this is clearly psychotic behavior

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immediate expansion of the 41%

Wait a second, I recognize that gay blowjob, That's Big Bob from Hollywood, he sells dank weed bra

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They die. Every leftist thinks this is a game and that we're somehow flirting when I say I'm going to take everything they love from them.