There's no legit reason or excuse to have these

There is no real reason to have these things. You don't hunt with them. Why are you illegally brandishing these things? There's no excuse for having them. Period.

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true, that thing is a piece of shit. As are you OP.

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you are right

Sa80 is a UK military only rifle. Well guess I can buy a dozen off ukrainian officers now.

They're for killing people. That's why the police use handguns.

Multi-layer b8, very good, I like it

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Probably gave them all of our decommissioned L86 LSWs, the long barrelled ones that I was the only one who liked apparently. I would gladly have one back

so what your saying is i should go out and buy one?
no thanks mr fed i don't have the money.
and bullets are expenise i'm not yank thanks.

bleeding edge thread

They make faggots like OP seethe and that's enough for me.
Shall not be infringed.
All fields.

dont even know why the britpakis even try making guns, just buy from your betters

Why do I have to justify my property to some faggot?

It's funny libtards say this when they were buying guns like crazy during the COVID scare

they're to fight back against tyranny (the entire point of the 2nd amendment). Of course you need them.

Why do you feel compelled to shoot anyone who comes on your property? You will only end up going to jail, your property seized by the banks and other property will be forfeited.

You do have some form of realization that the government has tanks, attack helicopters, F18 fight jets, Drones with missiles, MOABs and nukes, right? Are you saying your pea-shooters are going to go up against all of that? Have you never read Sherman's march to the sea?

Achmed at your 1ocklock, 800M, light him up
> Bang Bang Bang Bang
> eject casing
> B...ang Jam

>You don't hunt with them.
You can. They're great for shooting coyotes.

Why not

Britbong guns? I agree. They fucking suck at making firearms.

sure there is! to use them on assholes who want to take them!

You do realise that he Military involve people too, right & they swore an Oath to uphold the Constitution?
It's the Reptile Goblins in Office who fear the Amendments & not their Subjets.

I agree with you OP. There is no reason why police need these dangerous murder weapons. But why are you directing this complaint to us? Go directly with your complaint to the police, demand they disarm, and good luck!

STEN & L11 was the last gasp, desu.
Now it's all Privatised & contracted to he Jerrys.

>Why do you feel compelled to shoot anyone who comes on your property?

Let the criminals break into your house to steal your stuff and rape and kill your family, Chuds!

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True, who wants a bullpup

>You do have some form of realization that the government has tanks, attack helicopters, F18 fight jets, Drones with missiles, MOABs and nukes, right?
How did those work against Vietnamese rice farmers and Afghani goat fuckers?
>Are you saying your pea-shooters are going to go up against all of that?
Worked for the Vietnamese and Afghans

Maybe shooting niggers and governments.

You couldn't make me shoot that thing if you gave it to me for free and said "HERE IT COMES WITH A FREE 40oz BIG GLUG."

Me. I want my Battle Tuna, dammit.

My reason for having guns like this is shooting YOU in the face. Clock is ticking.

It's a bill of rights, not a bill of needs.

agreed, SA80's are shit

u don't like bullpup rifles? fair i guess

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I’ll tell you one thing, they aren’t to defend against government tyranny. Just to recap we had
>covid lockdown
>mandatory jabs
>stolen election
and no dead politicians, good job with those guns fucktards

Fuck off
"shall not be..."

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this is why i hate the military, after all of those stupid wars in the middle east... all they can think about is trying to take away guns from everyone else otherwise they think we're all insurgents, theyre all traitors

I want to have them, and I’ll kill you and your entire family if you try and stop me.
End of discussion.

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Yeah, those rifles suck and you're a fag for liking and/or using them.

if the military doesnt go fight russia then this is proof theyve been training to take away guns from americans

I am legally the Army of the USA.

My chode is so girthy, when I put it in your mother's mouth it splits the corners in half giving her a joker smile

I’ve never shot one. I shoot my AR-15 all the time though :D

I agree, L85 are garbage.
Resonalbe people use AR/AK platforms or steyr-aug.


You need at least an RPG now because the schools are installing armored bunkers.

Bullpups should be banned worldwide

That's an A3, literally no one has them except infantry units in the British army, so please fuck off.
Also, they are a pain in the arse to clean.

this is also why theyre pushing pedo shit hard, they want the military to snap on us and think were sand niggers

Their families don’t have those, and neither do you

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>my property
>not your property
Nothing else need be said homo. Now stay off my lawn and away from my son

>There is no real reason to have these things
seriously, who put that together

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>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State
I am the militia and my duty is to defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
As the militia I must have military grade arms.

I hope a feral nigger fucks every one of your holes with that thing

What about shops like Accuracy International?

I can also kill you with a stone you massive faggot.

>Have you never read Sherman's march to the sea?
sherman didn't have 32 magnetrons hooked onto 48 subwoofer magnets with 8 lithium car batteries

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