Retarded youtube leftists

How the fuck does this retarded jootuber have almost 1 million subs?

>Durrrrrr you're not allowed to complain about economic problems durrrrrrr because people elsewhere in MUH YEWKRAINE are suffering more durrrrrrrr

Like this is literal double digit IQ reddit levels of stupidity. He's blatantly pushing Soros propaganda.

Attached: 1657538659515.png (994x1070, 817.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No no, let them keep talking.
I'm sure this "condescend to voters" tack they're taking will work this time, during the worst economic depression in 100 years.

For like 500 bucks you can get a million subs.

So we must stop this mad brute 2.0?

remember user, if you give your consent then is not rape.

Ye Adam something is a fucking clown.

Lookup Ubersoy and Mentiswave, both have good refutations of his toxic shit.

Attached: c23bf4d03b7cb9e62db1973b1db95e9a4a-28-alt-right-pepe.rhorizontal.w610.jpg (610x407, 24.23K)

That's really what this absolute faggot is saying.

"Ukraine is suffering so you should be glad to eat ze bugs. Thank your masters for letting us eat ze bugs."

What an absolute tool

Tons of people seem to be worshiping the ground he walks on though. You really don't have to try to appeal to zoomers low intellect.

It's polish diaspora faggots living in Germany

Wouldn't expect any sign of intellect from such """"person"'''


See now this is what's even more infuriating. I can tell from a quick glance that both those guys have higher quality content than Adam BUUUUUUT they lean towards the right, so they get shadowbanned hard and neither even has 10k subs.

What the fuck do we even do about this shit? How do we stop leftardism if the (((algorithm))) just flat out ignores anyone who tries?

Attached: 1653368353780.gif (789x789, 73.11K)

Looks like he was a costed at the petrol station.

Attached: carlos.png (350x350, 137.64K)

sauce of pic?

>bad if Russia does it
>turn a blind eye if the U.S does it
this is how uneducated boomers think

Fukkatsusai: Asticaya no Majo

That comic makes no sense. If the big wolf didn't save the little wolf then why is he taking arrows at all?


fucking kek. Good find lad.
>How do we stop leftardism if the (((algorithm))) just flat out ignores anyone who tries?

Parallel internet.

That's simply not true

thanks fren

>adam something
wasnt he once pretty based but then turn full leftist? he made a video about it i believe, anyway he is a retard cuck with 0 spine, dont watch that faggot, dont give him views

it is

He was never based.

No, he's just propped up by the YouTube algorithm because he has unfathomable stupid opinions on literally everything.

Yeah I know it's algorithm abuse. Just a glance at Proves that.

But Adam does seem to have tons of stans and worshipers in his chat. They can't ALL be bots can they? Would soros really do that shit? Can he do that shit?

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