I hate living in this commie shithole and i want to escape at any cost

I hate living in this commie shithole and i want to escape at any cost
Is it possible for me to marry some ugly black woman to get US citizenship?

help anons

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Kys - here's your way out

based, OP is faggot as usual

Just ask them to export you to NYC as do every single day.

just move on tourist visa and pay $10k to some nigger or drug whore

just wait 2 more weeks and things will get better bro

be a femboy or its over user


Maybe come down under. Don't know.

Everywhere is shit, but I guess Slavic countries are particularly shit.

We want gas

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Is there not some Russian government agency I can report these disloyal liberashka posters to?

Come to Georgia!
Potishe bud', Gogi.

>come to Georgia
fuck of you dickhead we are full

Just get a tan and say you are Mexican and we will give you $400k and a government mandated chola

Found the OP

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Wtf why do Germans wear matis? When will the cultural appropriation end?

You can just move to Finland, take the train from St. Petersburg to Helsinki

There is an easier way.
Marry Ukrainian woman and get both Canada visas for 3 years.
Google CUAET.

Why is it so bad there?

Are you sure? Just watched another story on DW this morning advertising real Russians to flee to Georgia. There are going on and on about it for 4 months already. Very appealing, I thinking to going myself, so don't be so cocky.

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I'm too white to get a tan

Russia is basically California but very poor

Go to abkhazia you will like it.

And more black people

No fuck that, I've been there, they are fucking subhumans lazy retarded people. I'm not going anywhere, I'm sinking with the ship.

Have you been to California. I've not, but from what I gather property is very expensive so most don't have much money.

so same as Denmark?
Rich country but people have to use bicycles to get to work?

so what, they are just people, like everyone else

Lol even the trashiest black woman in America would have zero interest in some poor Russian faggot. You guys are white and Asian, blacks here have even less respect for Asians than whites here.

>i've been there
was there any armanian?? just curios

how would i know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is it that simple? I've heard they're not letting anyone in there.

no, like your salary is 100k, but rent is 60k tax is 20k, cost of living is 15k leaving you eating cheap pasta and noodles and sharing netflix passwords as a form of entertainment.

I live in a comfy town in the north of England, property is cheap and because of that I have bought several and have a ton of extra income.

Only Russian furry posters are allowed into the west.

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I mean that California is populated by niggers, spics, homeless and degenerate white liberals who like getting abortions and pushing anti-gun laws. So Russia is California but without Hollywood, luxury and infrastructure

I look very white

Let me marry your sister, comrade.

Liberals aren't people