Why is everyone studying IT?

They all be like yea bro this is where money is computers are the future. If everyone becomes a computer guy doesn’t that mean the job won’t pay shit soon?

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This is happening already. In Greece right now is the best time to be a Junior dev, companies are hunting for them.

At a certain point, they'll only hire the absolute best of the best for average positions, effectively filtering out most of the trannies applying.

A buddy of mine worked for Syntel back in the 90s. It was 100% Indian programmers working on HB1 visas putting white men out of work. Now companies don't even want to hire white men. But sure, go into debt so you can be the last person a company wants to hire and if they do hire you, Shenequia is your boss nigger.

Amerimutt problems are not my problem. Education is free in the EU.

Personally, it's just for personnal needs and to work as a freelancer from everywhere I want so I'm not dependant (or very little) of the NPC's and their clown world

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Hahaha ‘trained’ to do it
If you don’t have the aptitude to solve problems yourself and need someone else to ‘teach’ you, as if they can teach you everything you need and you can suddenly do it , you’re wasting your time

Did you fall asleep in the early 90’s and just now wake up? Who is still president in your world, George Bush Sr? Ross Perot lost, dude.

IT is gonna become the peasant field of work in a few decades. It's basically the go-to profession for every unaspiring, lazy midwit who has no vision of a future where they do something meaningful so they stick to sitting in front of a computer and clicking keys.

Machine learning can create data structures and neural nets independently. If you need a doubly linked list the AI does it for you, piece of cake. The only programmers will be those who understand complex algorithms (if you don't read Cormen's for a introduction). Everything else will be poojet code, you can give the job to Tyrone and L'Qusiha diversity hires.


America is an information based society, so the rest of the world followed and nobody does jackshit except make memes on GIMP now.

The absolute minority is studying IT (at least here in Germany). I study economic computer science won't be a code monkey with this but I think lots of coding jobs will go to India.

jfc if you can work with your hands you will never have to deal with bugman shit ever again. Its work for men and if you're a little bitch it will turn you into a man. There is nothing more fulfilling than being at the jobsite chillin with the bros fixing shit and getting strong as fuck. The ladies like it too. Do you think a woman wants their date to tell them "Im a system admin for niggerdicks.com" or whatever or " yeah I fix shit with my massive penis"

Wages have been inflated for a decade because of low interest rates. It’ll go back to a nothing profession soon.

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learned programming as a kid... started to work in software development as a child (12 years first internship)... i never made IT my career though... still program alot because its habitual... let me tell u all those engineering IT programmng youtube stuff is a fad... the real money is made by those fake programmers... nobody is gonna get a fuckin job doing IT believe me

Basic economic theory suggests that would be the case, not to mention that ai will soon be taking over all the work done by less experienced programmers

Kinda. IT will have a wage system much like any other infrastructure system.

Level 1: Maintenence. These IT people are the dumbest of them all, but smart enough to clean server rooms, set up workstations etc.
Level 2: Engineers. They build the hardware and software side for everything. Backend and frontend.
Level 3: Managers. Same as always. Oversee workflow and decide on the course forward.

And eventually A.I will fill in in each level depending on innovation.

Education is free everywhere if you know how to learn on your own

Working man's a sucker, fuck work, work is designed to pay like shit and even less when it gets over saturated.

There's a different, Estonia.

idk, they're too dumb to get certs on their own I guess

IT degree is worthless, certs are all that matters

IT won't prepare me for my future as a feared yet loved post-apocalyptic warlord

yes you are right, at this rate the demand will be met in a couple of years. I did a simple calculation for the US market and more people are graduating than jobs being created, it will take like 7 years only considering us numbers, I suspect that considering every country, specially india, this demand will be met sooner

A good degree is useful if you want to focus on a specialized subset of IT instead of being a codemonkey java programmer

we have a lot of retarded junior engineers and not nearly enough seniors to show them around.

It's going to be a shitshow of juniors implementing critical code with the help of github's copilot'esque solutions.

Companies will pay for copilot, thinking that it's going to make their engineers more productive and cheaper, because now they can hire a lot more juniors to do the work.

They'll be very angry when they find out that the juniors cannot debug any of the code and all the seniors left because it became a shitty company to work for.

Thanks captain obvious!

I've lived in both Germany and the USA and the standards for IT there are way higher. The stuff you have to learn in an ausbildung there is more advanced and nearly university level, regardless if you just want to do something like work in a computer shop. In the US you often just need a compTIA A+ certificate which is a lot more basic.

>IT won't prepare me for my future as a feared yet loved post-apocalyptic warlord


If it all the same with you I'll drive that tanker...
> cocks and aims rifle


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Most people aren't either smart or willing enough to learn code. Seeing code scares them away. Secondly, you need to be able to rationally think, because code doesn't care about your feelings or whether it conforms to group think. Code either works or it doesn't. This is why actual tech jobs will never be dominated by women; and no, working in a marketing department at LinkedIn or some other faggot tech company doesn't count as working in IT.

The influx of Pajeets is a bit concernng, but you still have more job security than a skillless loser who thinks she or he is the shit because they have some useless arts degree and spout whatever group think they're indoctrinated with.

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Yeah, it's the future and shitloads want to get in, but here's the thing: you'll only get in and stay in if you're really smart.
It's not a field that's going to be saturated any time soon, judging by how my inbox is getting blown up by recruiters and firm reps every other day.