A family of 4 making 97k is considered low income in California

A family of 4 making 97k is considered low income in California.

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Because in the year of our lord 2022 that’s jack shit as a combined wage, retard. Barely over double what the minimum wage should be. California is expensive, yes, I agree. However if both you and your wife are making $45k a piece, that’s pretty sad. You, the husband should be easily making 65k+ in 2022. Anything less is slave-tier.

It is not mathematically possible for every single person capable of making 65k+ to be able to actually procure a job that does.
For there to be winners, there has to be losers.
Its one of the fundamental rules of nature, and why life in general is a mistake.

Poorfags aren’t welcome here, what don’t you seem to understand? If you don’t make $500k/year, get the fuck out.

$97k/year for two adults and 2 kids is poverty anywhere in the US

How do wagies even survive in Commiefornia?

>Because in the year of our lord 2022 that’s jack shit as a combined wage, retard. Barely over double what the minimum wage should be. California is expensive, yes, I agree. However if both you and your wife are making $45k a piece, that’s pretty sad. You, the husband should be easily making 65k+ in 2022. Anything less is slave-tier.

more likely its a single person working and wife looking after kids, eg man makes 85k, wife has 2 x infants to look after and day care costs more than she can earn.

Still, 10 or 15 years ago afaik 50k was considered and okay salary in cali (I had a relative there, maybe he was just a poor fag and coping).

it would be in sydney too, but a lot of people do it if one partner is not working (eg mothers).

In Cali: My friend just got married and has a 2 year old, they have slave tier jobs, he's a waiter (midrange steak house), she's a manager, but they definitely clear 120k.

People sometimes forget that there are places in California that arent SF or Orange County.

a family of 4 beaners living on 97k thats 23,000 per person. what do you expect to drive some shitmobile? non whites always need better cars, so they need assistance! 10 year old used models are for whites who need to save every penny as the jew squeezes them tighter

>and why life in general is a mistake.
That's loser talk

>In Cali: My friend just got married and has a 2 year old, they have slave tier jobs, he's a waiter (midrange steak house), she's a manager, but they definitely clear 120k.


Do they do okay on 120k? ie can they afford housing and to save a little?

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I had a family of beaner neighbors for 10 years. At one point they were up to 11 people in the house if you include the 4 kids. Anyway, they did the american dream to a T: slaved away doing weedeating and asbestos abatement for exactly one decade while living in a tiny 3 bedroom/1bath, then bought a ranch in Lodi and rode off into the sunset.

I guess that graph is basically inflation.

I work for a big M&A consultancy which gets all it's money and business from silicon valley. I have finally been given independent control over restructuring processes. Guess which group of demented not-people I will be... oh... you could say... axing, first?? They should love it though, normally they have to pay for the axe, I'll give them it for free. Diversity and HR departments too. I made 1.5 last year.

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>I had a family of beaner neighbors for 10 years. At one point they were up to 11 people in the house if you include the 4 kids. Anyway, they did the american dream to a T: slaved away doing weedeating and asbestos abatement for exactly one decade while living in a tiny 3 bedroom/1bath, then bought a ranch in Lodi and rode off into the sunset.

I respect migrants like this much more than ye average normie whiteoid.

He's 45 mins east of SF and I believe his rent is 2800. They're fine, for now.

Well it's respectable, sure, but they literally dont have a choice. They have ALL those bodies just sitting around. Might as well use them to farm gold.

>do people do okay on 120k/yr in california? can they afford housing and save a little
kek user ngmi bro. If they make 6 figures at a steak house it means they are not in the desert in the middle of no where in california in some shitpot town it means they're in a wealthy area. And 120k is basically like making minimum wage over there. Foreigners have no idea just how fucked cost of living is all up and down our west coast.

I've know a couple of guys here in Aus who game to australia in their 30s as refugees.

Got cash jobs (removals) and worked 12 hours days, then bought their own trucks, very quickly they were on a good middle class wage despite speaking barely any english.

All the while whiteoids of my generation whinge and complain about having no opportunities.

It's a midrange steak house. Once you leave Denny's-tier dining, people actually tip. When just your drinks are $48, that's a big bill at the end of the night. It's not really as bad as you think. You have to be within 20 miles of beverly hills or SF for it to be hopeless for the average joe.

Oh god imagine those poor bastards learning english from an aussie. Mexican+ aussie accent? Now that's different.

government assistance and lots of roommates

>kek user ngmi bro. If they make 6 figures at a steak house it means they are not in the desert in the middle of no where in california in some shitpot town it means they're in a wealthy area. And 120k is basically like making minimum wage over there. Foreigners have no idea just how fucked cost of living is all up and down our west coast.

yeah sounds like living in Sydney desu. ie it sucks if you are a poor fag.

Waiter/hospitality may make ~60 or ~70k in sydney if they work a lot of over time, but a shitty apartment is minimum 2k a month, more likely 3k if you have a family to house. Eating out is minimum $20 a head, and transport/entertainment is expensive too.

60-70k living anywhere within a 25 min commute to the city is basically poverty... one will be living pay check to pay check unless you're able to autistically budget and save

I could live like a king like that

>but they definitely clear 120k
they're still poorfags by California standards.