Have jews ever done ANYTHING good?

Have jews ever done ANYTHING good?

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Call out other Jews

They kill themselves sometimes

Curb your Enthusiasm

Like Norman Finkelstein?

Like me

Some of their food is good. Everything bagels with lox, capers, and onions. Halva. Brisket.

This almost never happens (except with picrel).

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I don't even give jews credit for Jurassic Park. That was all John Williams and the cinematographers.

they've died

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your Kentucky is showing

Jascha Heifetz was a talented violinist.



I genuinely don’t mind Jews desu. They’ve always been very good to me. Maybe I’d give a shit about other whites if they didn’t act like complete sociopaths 99% of the time.

Any good redpills on this guy?

Making white bois seethe for thousand years.

hebrew national hotdogs

So nothing

usurios, insular and exiled by nearly every country they visited in history

Einstein although pol doesn't like him. Chomsky is smart and calls out actions America/Israel does but he's a leftist. Other than that some Jewish comedians are okay although most are terrible

As a whole? No not really no, on an individual basis? Ehhhh......((pic related?))

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No, not even judeochristianity

>Like me

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The more hideous a man's adversary the greater is his triumph.

Like jesus christ

>smart guy
>trains pattern recognision
>becomes red pilled
>well you see he was just crazy.

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