Any Forums humor thread

ctrl+f no humor thread ?

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yes ma'am can I help you?

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I don't get the humor in this meme. A bad kitty, and a smartphone, what
0/10 funnies

Leftists implant chips into their pets that can both shock them and drug them at the tap of their smartphone.

It's a joke about fucking camwhore vibrators you schizo.

The guy has a vibrator controller on his phone through an app. The girl puts the vibrator inside herself. They go out in public. He puts it full blast when she's doing something because haha funny porn shit.

Lurk more faggot.

Lmao you paramedic rabies will never flail to make my lunch. Face it, most POV will be infidelity more successful than any of you bad vermin every will be. You are on the wrong size of histamine. Get over it, lobsters

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i dont get it


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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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>she isn't fat
Yknow what? I'm ok with this.

based stroke victim

That is NOT what I meant by return to monkey.

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Aww i think I remember this one.
She was even calling out for her mom, it was so sad.

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This is the most obvious “newfag pretending to be Oldfag” post I’ve ever seen

he was too good for this world

ah yes the video that btfo'd /watchpeopledie