When will the Trans insanity stop?

My bet is somewhere in 2030s when the Republicans runs a transman to own the libs.

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Muffin has no gender. Remember to spay and neuter your liberals.

The tranny probably feeds the cat a vegan diet.

Remember when they said that the gay stuff was just about men marrying men and nothing else? And now they fuck each other in the ass in the middle of the street for a whole month and plaster gay shit all over kids shows? That's how trans stuff will be. Eventually they will move on to pedo stuff and then bestiality.

muffin looks so exasperated

it wont stop but we starting to see a big divide and an emerging detrans/antitrans movement inside the transgender community why you might ask well during the rise of woke culture we saw a massive uptick in the transgender community this new group consisted far younger than the original group the original group circa 2013 and below consisted of older individuals people who had already lived and had children people in there 30-40s who lived and now want to experiment that was the old group the new group 2013 and after were far younger and continued to get younger with individuals who had not lived had not procreated due to being too young and took life long choices with no perspective of longterm consequences now now these people in the new group are now 23-26-28 and are now realising they took a Faustian deal but only realised that too late

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Cats try to mirror their owners emotional state and personality just like dogs do.
This "woman" is just proving he is miserable. LOL

Soon hopefully

Its been enough

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Gynocentrism in Southern Europe, comfy thread.
boards.Any Forums.org/pol/thread/386488054#bottom

many of these people in the new group have now grown up and now only realising its too late i have seen many if these hit 23 or so and then fall in love or whatever and suddenly realise you have no future your a fucking dead end these people genuinely feel betrayed

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You realize before that chuds believed gays were mentally ill and now it is accepted? Same thing is happening with trans since it is scientifically proven trans happens in species just like gays.

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wtf is trans joy

how? tell me how someone who is deforming themselves to follow a dream is somehow "scientific" or happens in species

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Let them simply die.

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2021 was the peak
This will be an embarassing time for these people to look back on, they will age out of it fast

That poor cat looks my old cat Jingles , he went missing 3 years ago

Sorry about your kitty. :(


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I was moving and I tried to find him , but I couldn't , though if he was still around I'm sure my neighbor would had took him in to his bookstore . Big thing for all bookstores in my old town to have cats in them , which made finding cute Asian girls very easy .

You know, trannies love to constantly go around screaming at anyone who opposes them, and then accusing them of having trannies live rent free in their heads, but trannies and a lot of the woke LGBT people do basically the exact same thing. They make their personality completely revolve around either their gender or their sexual preference, and then constantly reference either some Lefty faggot talking point, or parade around with their stupid flags. I'll be scrolling for art on Twitter, and then randomly stumble upon their pozzed bullshit, and the thing they love to do the most is taint their own artwork by either saying something stupid when they make the tweet, or put something in their art like a tranny flag or whatever, even when it's completely unfitting to the rest of the art. They literally cannot stop obsessing over themselves, and yet when anyone else calls this behavior out, suddenly we're the people being told "Rent free."

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Not too much longer. People are starting to wake up to the LGBT insanity since its negatively effecting women and children. Even the trans kids typically regret their decision when they grow up and speak out against it.
Plus, if this all comes crumbling down it will disappear over night. No time for trans shit when you don’t know where your next meal will come from.


What's this troony down to now... 1 year before he's nairing his face every week to kill the 5 o clock shadow?

I'm sure Jingles is living the good life now!