What are the consequences of millions of men being just like me?

>never spoken to a woman with the intention of it leading to intimacy
>never kissed
>never touched
>never had a job
>haven't had a friend online or off in more than 15 years
>leave the house 3 - 5 times a year
>live in poverty but comfortable enough to have internet and electricity
>government subsidizes most of my existence
>sleep all day
>awake all night
>play vidya, use private trackers so have unlimited access to goyslop, read the occasional book, read ln's and manga
>spend most of waking hours in alternate reality, escaping to fantasy
>poor hygiene some months only shower once

I suspect as much as a third of the young men in America are in a similar situation to mine. Maybe less extreme, but the same more or less and I do not believe this trend will decelerate anytime soon.

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Well there has to be simp to give all those E-Thot a job.

Women supremacy. Bee hive nation. Mass suicide. Males outdated. You are a fag.

Very fucking funny, FBI. Stop detailing my life to the t. on the internet, assholes.

here is a $250 ticket for not predicting your taillight would go out. eventually we will take everything from you because fuck you

>haven't had a friend online
A-user, do we mean nothing to you?

Why do you tell the government to give you money for no reason.

Eventually societal collapse because of apathy and hostility towards the system these men have been alienated from.

Attached: you are in danger.jpg (842x960, 63.09K)

None. You will die off once the government stops sending you checks. You have no friends so no one will know who you are and you won’t be welcomed into their compound because you are unknown. You have no skills because you decided to let your mind rot by escaping a reality you never actually lived. Poor hygiene which means disease riddled. You will smell of death and if you desperately wanted to live you would become a scavenger or slave to the local warlord but only after getting your balls snipped off and becoming a eunuch that way you don’t rape the spoils the warlord receives.

And whose fault is that you lazy piece of shit?

I remember getting pulled over for speeding and the cop said I better scoot cause tornados were in the area.....thanks

I can understand all of that buy why do you only shower once a month? If you have access to electricity and internet then surely you have access to water. Do you not like feeling refreshed and clean?

This is a (you) farming meme thread, participation without saging makes you a groomer tranny.

You have been warned.

We know.
Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)
397,340 viewsJul 11, 2022

How do trackers give you unlimited fast food? You can download pirated McDonald’s now?

You can create infinite accounts and get free McDonalds fries - large - with no lag in between orders.

I guess its good I've experienced it, but its all so overrated.

90% of women are braindead mentally ill whores, and the10% who aren't are taken (and will still likely cheat on their partners if in the right scenario)

After you finally nut in a bitch, unless its a prostitute, you'll probably realize whatever trouble or social bullshit you had to go through to get to it wasn't worth it.

Keep trying until you finally get a chance to be with one for a little while, and then realize what I've said is true, and stop wasting any brainpower on them.

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I hope you dont work in a school or at the IRS HQ.
Bcause you will end up on Go-pro footage made by a mad young white guy, that since young age got rejected by society, bullied by teachers, companies and females.

This is only the start. You americans will wake up soon kek. If they had all those weapons and jew-pills back then in weimar they would have cleansened all by themself.

OP is clearly half larping, but is most likely someone who relishes living in his own misery. Don't feel sorry for him. He doesn't even actually feel sorry for himself...

>hurr let me threaten you for telling the objective truth
Okay nigger. The man hasn’t left the house, has no job, has no idea how to function outside of his 8 x 12 room with a piss drawer and a cum wall, but him and many like him will surely rise up and take by force what they are owed with no practical experience in anything other than video game LARPing.

All of those steps = “make sure there is no footage of thousands of you being dead on the ground. Go die in your own space so we can systematically clean you up without it being, you know, too gross, peasant”.

I use foodstamps and buy black beans, rice, cheese, the cheapest meat I can find (beef, chicken, pork) enchalada sauce, corn in a can, olives, tortillas, and hot sauce. I eat nothing but enchaladas and burritos.

$225 worth of food stamps each month is more than enough to feed me when you buy those ingredients in bulk. I use a gas powered oven I got for free and the government pays more than 60% of my natural gas bill each month.

I only drink water and unsweetened black tea that I make myself with tea bags.

almoast like you ameribro

>never spoken to a woman with the intention of it leading to intimacy
Never knew how to do that
>never kissed
Kissed my lesbian friend in a highly gay party. 2 minutes straight. Tongue contact. Only once.
>never touched
i never touched in a sexual or with intimacy
>never had a job
Not me. Had to find one to survive.
>haven't had a friend online or off in more than 15 years
ME. I don't even know who the fuck my neighbors are (live in an apartment complex)
>leave the house 3 - 5 times a year
Nah, i work 10 hours a day in an office and have a lot of eye contact with people
>live in poverty but comfortable enough to have internet and electricity
Despite being in a very poor country, I make enough to live with everything i need, but I live alone.
>government subsidizes most of my existence
That's the worst. In reality. it's not the govt but some tax payers supporting you. The govt just steal everybody to pose as Robin Hood.
>sleep all day
Depression sucks. If you find a way out of that shit by yourself like i did, nothing can stop you.
>awake all night
Insomniac. I had this problem.
>play vidya, use private trackers so have unlimited access to goyslop, read the occasional book, read ln's and manga
That's a good hobbie, but you need to read more.
>spend most of waking hours in alternate reality, escaping to fantasy
Learn to focus on what dream can came true. I am a day dreamer myself.
>poor hygiene some months only shower once
Not good at all. Shower at least 1 time a day.

Also I am 80% introverted as a INTJ, so I know what you getting through. Hope I could help you in any way.

damn man. kinda based that you are that much of an aesthetic already. if only you could discipline yourself to be more physically active, or at least not terminally online....maybe read some Eastern books on Taoism or Tantra, sadhana, karma yoga....


Kek you're me except I shower more and have a part time job.